Maura L. Gillison, MD, PhD
Department of Thoracic-Head & Neck Med Onc, Division of Cancer Medicine
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Professor of Medicine, Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Research Interests
Her laboratory focuses on the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in head and neck malignancies. Her work ranges from cohort studies of oral HPV infection to genetic indicators of response to chemoradiotherapy.
She is a physician scientist and has made significant contributions to the identification of human papillomavirus as a cause of a distinct subset of head and neck cancer, resulting in a paradigm shift in concepts for risk, diagnosis and therapy of head and neck cancer. As a doctorate-level trained molecular epidemiologist and medical oncologist with expertise in head and neck cancer, she currently investigates the implications of our findings for primary and secondary prevention strategies, diagnostics, prognostics, genomics, molecular therapeutics, clinical decision making and population-level cancer incidence trends in the United States and worldwide.
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
2001 | The Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA, PHD, Clinical Investigation; Mentor: Keerti V. Shah, MD, DrPH |
1991 | The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA, MD, Medicine |
1987 | Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, BS, Zoology |
Postgraduate Training
1998-2000 | Senior Clinical Fellowship in Oncology, The Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, MD |
1996-1998 | Clinical Fellowship in Oncology, The Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, MD |
1993-1995 | Clinical Residency, Massachusetts General Hospital, Medical Services, Boston, MA |
1992-1993 | Clinical Internship, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Department of Medicine, Baltimore, MD |
1991-1992 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Molecular Biology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Baltimore, MD |
Board Certifications
1999 | American Board of Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology |
1996 | American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine |
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Yen CJ, Kiyota N, Hanai N, Takahashi S, Yokota T, Iwae S, Shimizu Y, Hong RL, Goto M, Kang JH, Li WSK, Ferris RL, Gillison M, Endo T, Jayaprakash V, Tahara M. Two-year follow-up of a randomized phase III clinical trial of nivolumab vs. the investigator's choice of therapy in the Asian population for recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (CheckMate 141). Head Neck 42(10):2852-2862, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32583557.
- Di Credico G, Polesel J, Dal Maso L, Pauli F, Torelli N, Luce D, Radoï L, Matsuo K, Serraino D, Brennan P, Holcatova I, Ahrens W, Lagiou P, Canova C, Richiardi L, Healy CM, Kjaerheim K, Conway DI, Macfarlane GJ, Thomson P, Agudo A, Znaor A, Franceschi S, Herrero R, Toporcov TN, Moyses RA, Muscat J, Negri E, Vilensky M, Fernandez L, Curado MP, Menezes A, Daudt AW, Koifman R, Wunsch-Filho V, Olshan AF, Zevallos JP, Sturgis EM, Li G, Levi F, Zhang ZF, Morgenstern H, Smith E, Lazarus P, La Vecchia C, Garavello W, Chen C, Schwartz SM, Zheng T, Vaughan TL, Kelsey K, McClean M, Benhamou S, Hayes RB, Purdue MP, Gillison M, Schantz S, Yu GP, Chuang SC, Boffetta P, Hashibe M, Yuan-Chin AL, Edefonti V. Alcohol drinking and head and neck cancer risk: the joint effect of intensity and duration. Br J Cancer 123(9):1456-1463, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32830199.
- D'Souza G, Clemens G, Strickler HD, Wiley DJ, Troy T, Struijk L, Gillison M, Fakhry C. Long-term Persistence of Oral HPV Over 7 Years of Follow-up. JNCI Cancer Spectr 4(5):pkaa047, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 33225205.
- Kreimer AR, Chaturvedi AK, Alemany L, Anantharaman D, Bray F, Carrington M, Doorbar J, D'Souza G, Fakhry C, Ferris RL, Gillison M, Neil Hayes D, Hildesheim A, Huang SH, Kowalski LP, Lang Kuhs KA, Lewis J, Lowy DR, Mehanna H, Ness A, Pawlita M, Pinheiro M, Schiller J, Shiels MS, Tota J, Mirabello L, Warnakulasuriya S, Waterboer T, Westra W, Chanock S, Brennan P. Summary from an international cancer seminar focused on human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive oropharynx cancer, convened by scientists at IARC and NCI. Oral Oncol 108:104736, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32502860.
- Mehanna H, Rischin D, Wong SJ, Gregoire V, Ferris R, Waldron J, Le QT, Forster M, Gillison M, Laskar S, Tahara M, Psyrri A, Vermorken J, Porceddu S. De-Escalation After DE-ESCALATE and RTOG 1016: A Head and Neck Cancer InterGroup Framework for Future De-Escalation Studies. J Clin Oncol 38(22):JCO2000056, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32496903.
- Ferrarotto R, Bell D, Rubin ML, Hutcheson KA, Johnson JM, Goepfert RP, Phan J, Elamin YY, Torman DK, Warneke CL, Hessel AC, Garden AS, Myers JN, Johnson FM, Lee JJ, Sikora AG, Gillison ML, Glisson BS, Gross ND. Impact of neoadjuvant durvalumab with or without tremelimumab on CD8+ tumor lymphocyte density, safety, and efficacy in patients with oropharynx cancer: CIAO trial. Clin Cancer Res 26(13):3211-3219, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32269052.
- Mehanna H, Gillison M, Lee AWM, von Zeidler SV, Porceddu S, Head and Neck International Group (HNCIG). Adapting Head and Neck Cancer Management in the Time of COVID-19. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 107(4):628-630, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32589989.
- Le X, Ferrarotto R, Wise-Draper T, Gillison M. Evolving Role of Immunotherapy in Recurrent Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 18(7):899-906, 2020. PMID: 32634775.
- Pfister DG, Spencer S, Adelstein D, Adkins D, Anzai Y, Brizel DM, Bruce JY, Busse PM, Caudell JJ, Cmelak AJ, Colevas AD, Eisele DW, Fenton M, Foote RL, Galloway T, Gillison ML, Haddad RI, Hicks WL, Hitchcock YJ, Jimeno A, Leizman D, Maghami E, Mell LK, Mittal BB, Pinto HA, Ridge JA, Rocco JW, Rodriguez CP, Shah JP, Weber RS, Weinstein G, Witek M, Worden F, Yom SS, Zhen W, Burns JL, Darlow SD. Head and Neck Cancers, Version 2.2020, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 18(7):873-898, 2020. PMID: 32634781.
- MD Anderson Head and Neck Surgery Treatment Guidelines Consortium, Consortium members, Maniakas A, Jozaghi Y, Zafereo ME, Sturgis EM, Su SY, Gillenwater AM, Gidley PW, Lewis CM, Diaz E, Goepfert RP, Kupferman ME, Gross ND, Hessel AC, Pytynia KB, Nader ME, Wang JR, Lango MN, Kiong KL, Guo T, Zhao X, Yao CMKL, Appelbaum E, Alpard J, Garcia JA, Terry S, Flynn JE, Bauer S, Fournier D, Burgess CG, Wideman C, Johnston M, You C, De Luna R, Joseph L, Diersing J, Prescott K, Heiberger K, Mugartegui L, Rodriguez J, Zendehdel S, Sellers J, Friddell RA, Thomas A, Khanjae SJ, Schwarzlose KB, Chambers MS, Hofstede TM, Cardoso RC, Wesson RA, Won A, Otun AO, Gombos DS, Al-Zubidi N, Hutcheson KA, Gunn GB, Rosenthal DI, Gillison ML, Ferrarotto R, Weber RS, Hanna EY, Myers JN, Lai SY. Head and neck surgical oncology in the time of a pandemic: Subsite-specific triage guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Head Neck 42(6):1194-1201, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32342541.
- Lee YA, Al-Temimi M, Ying J, Muscat J, Olshan AF, Zevallos JP, Winn DM, Li G, Sturgis EM, Morgenstern H, Zhang ZF, Smith E, Kelsey K, McClean M, Vaughan TL, Lazarus P, Chen C, Schwartz SM, Gillison M, Schantz S, Yu GP, D'Souza G, Gross N, Monroe M, Kim J, Boffetta P, Hashibe M. Head and Neck Cancer Risk Prediction Models for the US Population from the INHANCE Consortium. Am J Epidemiol 189(4):330-342, 2020. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 31781743.
- Broutian TR, Jiang B, Li J, Akagi K, Gui S, Zhou Z, Xiao W, Symer DE, Gillison ML. Human papillomavirus insertions identify the PIM family of serine/threonine kinases as targetable driver genes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Lett 476:23-33, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 31958486.
- Chaturvedi AK, Graubard BI, Gillison ML. Herd Protection Against Oral HPV Infection-Reply. JAMA 323(5):478, 2020. PMID: 32016305.
Other Articles
- Gillison ML Documentary - Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic. Narrated by Vanessa Williams. Director, Frederic Lumiere, 2014.
- Gillison ML Documentary - HPV: Treating Cancer Caused by Viruses. Understanding viral links to cancer aids prevention and treatment. American Museum of Natural History, 2010.
Book Chapters
- Chaturvedi A, Gillison ML. Human papillomavirus and head and neck cancer. In: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Prevention of Head and Neck Cancer. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC: New York, 87-116, 2010.
- D’Souza G, Gillison ML. Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancers. In: Squamous Cell Head and Neck Cancer. Recent Clinical Progress and Prospects for the Future. Human Press: Totowa, NJ, 1-26, 2005.
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified August 01, 2024