Thomas K. Nishino, Ph.D.
Department of Imaging Physics, Division of Diagnostic Imaging
About Dr. Nishino
Furthermore, Dr. Nishino teaches courses for the School of Health Professions Radiological Technologist Program and the GSBS Medical Physics Program. As of current, Dr. Nishino is researching automatic methods of evaluating and assessing image quality for digital radiography.
Present Title & Affiliation
Dual/Joint/Adjunct Appointment
Adjunct Professor, School of Health Professions, Houston, TX
Research Interests
2-D and 3-D image processing methods for the extraction of pertinent, clinical data used by radiologists and clinicians to assess anatomy, pathology and physiologic activity in the human body
Clinical Interests
Dose monitoring and reduction in radiographic and fluoroscopic examinations Continuous improvement of the quality assurance program in radiography/fluoroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging Correlating quality control metrics with improvements in patient safety and image quality Monitoring and assessment of technical staff performance in order to maintain optimal image quality in accordance with ALARA principle
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
2000 | Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA, PHD, Physics |
1997 | Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA, MS, Physics |
1994 | University of Hawai'i at Hilo, Hilo, HI, USA, BA, Physics |
Postgraduate Training
1999-2001 | Postdoctoral Fellowship, Medical Physics, University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital, Birmingham, AL |
Board Certifications
2003 | American Board of Radiology - Diagnostic Medical Physics |
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Li G, Greene TC, Nishino TK, Willis CE. Evaluation of Cassette-based Digital Radiography Detectors Using Standardized Image Quality Metrics: AAPM TG 150 Draft Image Detector Tests. J Appl Clin Med Phys 17(5):391-417, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27685102.
- Lu LJ, Nishino TK, Johnson RF, Nayeem F, Brunder DG, Ju H, Leonard MH, Grady JJ, Khamapirad T. Comparison of breast tissue measurements using magnetic resonance imaging, digital mammography and a mathematical algorithm. Phys Med Biol 57(21):6903-27, 2012. e-Pub 2012. PMID: 23044556.
- Riascos R, Vu l, Cuellar, Haberman A, Nishino TK, layer l.. CT Evaluation of caudal versus lumbar access to the intradural space. Neurol Res 33(10):1094-1099, 2011.
- Oto A, Ernst R, Ghulmiyyah L, Nishino TK, Hughes D, Chaljub G, Saade G.. MR imaging in the triage of pregnant patients with acute abdominal and pelvic pain. Abdom Imaging 34(2):243-250, 2009. e-Pub 2008.
- Baskerville JR, Chang JH, Viator M, Rutledge W, Miryala R, Duval KE, Nishino TK. Dose versus diagnosis: iatrogenic radiation exposure by multidetector computerised tomography in an academic emergency department with measurement of clinically actionable results and emergently treatable findings. Emerg Med J 26(1):15-9, 2009. PMID: 19104088.
- Lu LJ, Nishino TK, Khamapirad T, Grady JJ, Leonard MH, Brunder DG. Computing mammographic density from a multiple regression model constructed with image-acquisition parameters from a full-field digital mammographic unit. Phys Med Biol 52:4905-4921, 2007.
- Teoh R, Johnson RF, Nishino TK, Ethridge RT. Evaluation of three-dimensional computed tomography processing for deep inferior epigastric perforator flap breast reconstruction. Can J Plast Surg 15(4):196-8, 2007. PMID: 19554176.
- Oto A, Srinivasan PN, Ernst RD, Koroglu M, Cesani F, Nishino TK, Chaljub G. Revisiting MRI for appendix location during pregnancy. AJR 185:960-963, 2006.
- Vijayakumar V, Ali S, Nishino TK, Nusynowitz M. What influences early hypothyroidism after radioiodine treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism?. Clin Nucl Med 31:688-689, 2006.
- Oto A, Ernst RD, Mileski WJ, Nishino TK, Le O, Wolfe G, Chaljub G. Localization of appendix by three-dimensional multidetector-row CT and its impact on the surgeon's choice of appendectomy incision. Am J Roentgenol 187:987-990, 2006.
- Nishino TK, Wu X, Johnson R. Thickness of molybdenum filter and squared contrast-to-noise ratio per dose for digital mammography. Am J Roentgenology 185:960-963, 2005.
- Ernst RD, Sarai P, Nishino TK, Collins T, Oto A, Hernandez A, Walser EM, Chaljub G. Transition from film to electronic media in the first-year medical school gross anatomy lab. J Digital Imaging 16(4):337-340, 2003.
- Carver DE, Willis CE, Stauduhar P, Nishino TK, Wells JR, Samei E.. TU-FG-209-07: Medical Physics 1.0 Versus Medical Physics 2.0: A Case Study. Medical Physics 43(6):3762-3762, 2016.
- G Li, T Greene, T Nishino, C Willis. SU-D-204-07: Comparison of AAPM TG150 Draft Image Receptor Tests with Vendor Automated QC Tests for Five Mobile DR Units. Medical Physics 42:3218-3218, 2015.
- Li G, Greene TC, Nishino TK, Willis CE. Comparison of AAPM TG150 Draft Image Receptor Tests with Vendor Automated QC Tests for Five Mobile DR Units. Med Phys 42(6):3218, 2015. PMID: 26127210.
- Willis C, Nishino T, Wells J, Wilson J, Samei E. WE-G-204-09: Medical Physics 2.0 in Practice: Automated QC Assessment of Clinical Chest Images. Medical Physics 42(6):3695-3696, 2015. PMID: 26129390.
- Green T, Nishino T, Willis CE.. Independent Implementation of AAPM TG1050 Draft Image Receptor Test Recommendations. Med Phys 39(6):3648, 2012.
- Riascos RF, Vasquez MC, Nishino TK, Heymann J. How to Create 3D Volumetric Medical Diagrams Using the New Tools of PowerPoint 2007. Radiological Society of North America 2009 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 29 - December 4, 2009, Chicago IL, 2009.
- Johnson RF, Nishino TK, Watts G, Gomez C. Use of Three-dimensional Images for Teaching Gross Anatomy and Radiology in a Medical School. Radiological Society of North America 2009 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 29 - December 4, 2009, Chicago IL, 2009.
- Jadhav S, Riascos R, Vu L, Wong S, Palacio D, Nishino TK. Comparison between PACS Multiplanar Reformats and Sharpening Tool in the Detection of Spinal Lesions in Trauma Using 64 multidetector CT. Radiological Society of North America 2008 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, February 18 - February 20, 2008, Chicago IL, 2008.
- Nusynowitz M, Nishino TK, Lee G. Prolonged gastric emptying: Characterization and frequency of mechanisms. J Nucl Med 48(2):64P, 2007.
- Oto A, Ernst RD, Ghulmiyyah L, Hughes DE, Nishino TK, Saade. MR Imaging in Triage of Pregnant Patients with Acute Abdominal and Pelvic Pain. Radiological Society of North America 2007 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 25 - November 30, 2007, Chicago IL, 2007.
- Nishino TK, Wu X, Johnson RJ. Squared contrast-noise ratio per dose and Rh-filter thickness for digital mammography. Med Phys 32(6):2065, 2005.
- Lu LJW, Khamapirad T, Anderson KE, Brunder DG, Nishino TK , Grady JJ, Nagamani M. Correlates of mammographic density in premenopausal women. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Research 47, 2005.
- Lu LJW, Khamapirad T, Anderson KE, Brunder D, Nishino TK , Grady J, Nagamani M. Factors influencing breast density in premenopausal women as measured from full field digital mammographic images. Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 46, 2005.
- Shah RK, Ernst RD, Luciano VM, Anderson ME, Nishino TK, and Johnson Jr. RF. Development, Construction, and Implementation of a Low Cost, One Terabyte Teaching File Archive. 88th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 2002.
- Nishino TK and Barnes GT. Brass filtration considerations in reducing patient dose in mobile C-arm fluoroscopy. 87th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 2001.
- Kim YM, Grumbine D, Nishino TK. 1/f dynamics and granular avalanches. Proceedings of the International Conference on Statistical Mechanics, 1998.
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified July 05, 2024