Meet Edwin Ostrin, M.D., Ph.D.

Edwin J. Ostrin, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of General Internal Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Assistant Professor, Department of General Internal Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Dual/Joint/Adjunct Appointment
Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
2006 | Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA, MD, Medicine |
2005 | Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA, PHD, Molecular and Human Genetics |
1997 | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA, BS, Molecular Biology |
Postgraduate Training
2009-2013 | Clinical Fellowship, Pulmonary/Critical Care, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA |
2006-2009 | Clinical Residency, Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD |
Board Certifications
2012 | American Board of Internal Medicine -- Critical Care Medicine |
2011 | American Board of Internal Medicine -- Pulmonary Medicine |
Professional Memberships
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Ostrin EJ, Rider NL, Alousi AM, Irajizad E, Li L, Peng Q, Kim ST, Bashoura L, Arain MH, Noor LZ, Patel N, Mehta R, Popat UR, Hosing C, Jenq RR, Rondon G, Hanash SM, Paczesny S, Shpall EJ, Champlin RE, Dickey BF, Sheshadri A. A Nasal Inflammatory Cytokine Signature Is Associated with Early Graft-versus-Host Disease of the Lung after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: Proof of Concept. Immunohorizons 7(6):421-430, 2023. PMID: 37289498.
- Irajizad E, Fahrmann JF, Marsh T, Vykoukal J, Dennison JB, Long JP, Do KA, Feng Z, Hanash S, Ostrin EJ. Mortality Benefit of a Blood-Based Biomarker Panel for Lung Cancer on the Basis of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cohort. J Clin Oncol:JCO2202424. e-Pub 2023. PMID: 37379494.
- León-Letelier RA, Abdel Sater AH, Chen Y, Park S, Wu R, Irajizad E, Dennison JB, Katayama H, Vykoukal JV, Hanash S, Ostrin EJ, Fahrmann JF. Kynureninase Upregulation Is a Prominent Feature of NFR2-Activated Cancers and Is Associated with Tumor Immunosuppression and Poor Prognosis. Cancers (Basel) 15(3), 2023. e-Pub 2023. PMID: 36765792.
- Irajizad E, Fahrmann JF, Long JP, Vykoukal J, Kobayashi M, Capello M, Yu CY, Cai Y, Hsiao FC, Patel N, Park S, Peng Q, Dennison JB, Kato T, Tai MC, Taguchi A, Kadara H, Wistuba II, Katayama H, Do KA, Hanash SM, Ostrin EJ. A Comprehensive Search of Non-Canonical Proteins in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Their Impact on the Immune Response. Int J Mol Sci 23(16), 2022. e-Pub 2022. PMID: 36012199.
- Vykoukal J, Fahrmann JF, Patel N, Shimizu M, Ostrin EJ, Dennison JB, Ivan C, Goodman GE, Thornquist MD, Barnett MJ, Feng Z, Calin GA, Hanash SM. Contributions of Circulating microRNAs for Early Detection of Lung Cancer. Cancers (Basel) 14(17), 2022. e-Pub 2022. PMID: 36077759.
- Fahrmann JF, Marsh T, Irajizad E, Patel N, Murage E, Vykoukal J, Dennison JB, Do KA, Ostrin E, Spitz MR, Lam S, Shete S, Meza R, Tammemägi MC, Feng Z, Hanash SM. Blood-Based Biomarker Panel for Personalized Lung Cancer Risk Assessment. J Clin Oncol 40(8):876-883, 2022. e-Pub 2022. PMID: 34995129.
- Fahrmann JF, Katayama H, Irajizad E, Chakraborty A, Kato T, Mao X, Park S, Murage E, Rusling L, Yu CY, Cai Y, Hsiao FC, Dennison JB, Tran H, Ostrin E, Wilson DO, Yuan JM, Vykoukal J, Hanash S. Plasma Based Protein Signatures Associated with Small Cell Lung Cancer. Cancers (Basel) 13(16), 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34439128.
- Ostrin EJ, Bantis LE, Wilson DO, Patel N, Wang R, Kundnani D, Adams-Haduch J, Dennison JB, Fahrmann JF, Chiu HT, Gazdar A, Feng Z, Yuan JM, Hanash SM. Contribution of a blood-based protein biomarker panel to the classification of indeterminate pulmonary nodules. J Thorac Oncol S1556-0864(20)30804-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2020.09.024(2):228-236, 2021. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 33137463.
- Unver N, Delgado O, Zeleke K, Cumpian A, Tang X, Caetano MS, Wang H, Katayama H, Yu H, Szabo E, Wistuba II, Moghaddam SJ, Hanash SM, Ostrin EJ. Reduced IL-6 levels and tumor-associated phospho-STAT3 are associated with reduced tumor development in a mouse model of lung cancer chemoprevention with myo-inositol. Int J Cancer 142(7):1405-1417, 2018. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 29134640.
- Ostrin EJ, Little DR, Gerner-Mauro KN, Sumner EA, Ríos-Corzo R, Ambrosio E, Holt SE, Forcioli-Conti N, Akiyama H, Hanash SM, Kimura S, Huang SXL, Chen J. Developmental stage dependent regulation of lung epithelial progenitors by beta-Catenin. Development 145(5), 2018. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 29440304.
- Vykoukal J, Sun N, Aguilar-Bonavides C, Katayama H, Tanaka I, Fahrmann JF, Capello M, Fujimoto J, Aguilar M, Wistuba II, Taguchi A, Ostrin EJ, Hanash SM. Plasma-derived extracellular vesicle proteins as a source of biomarkers for lung adenocarcinoma. Oncotarget 8(56):95466-95480, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 29221141.
- Tripathi SC, Fahrmann JF, Celiktas M, Aguilar M, Marini KD, Jolly MK, Katayama H, Wang H, Murage EN, Dennison JB, Watkins DN, Levine H, Ostrin EJ, Taguchi A, Hanash SM. MCAM Mediates Chemoresistance in Small-Cell Lung Cancer via the PI3K/AKT/SOX2 Signaling Pathway. Cancer Res 77(16):4414-4425, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28646020.
- Çeliktas M, Tanaka I, Tripathi SC, Fahrmann JF, Aguilar-Bonavides C, Villalobos P, Delgado O, Dhillon D, Dennison JB, Ostrin EJ, Wang H, Behrens C, Do KA, Gazdar AF, Hanash SM, Taguchi A. Role of CPS1 in Cell Growth, Metabolism and Prognosis in LKB1-Inactivated Lung Adenocarcinoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 109(3):1-9, 2017. PMID: 28376202.
- Tsou P, Katayama H, Ostrin EJ, Hanash SM. The Emerging Role of B Cells in Tumor Immunity. Cancer Res 76(19):5597-5601, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27634765.
- Caetano MS, Zhang H, Cumpian AM, Gong L, Unver N, Ostrin EJ, Daliri S, Chang SH, Ochoa CE, Hanash S, Behrens C, Wistuba II, Sternberg C, Kadara H, Ferreira CG, Watowich SS, Moghaddam SJ. L6 blockade reprograms the lung tumor microenvironment to limit the development and progression of K-ras-mutant lung cancer. Cancer Res 76(11):3189-99, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27197187.
- Tripathi SC, Peters HL, Taguchi A, Katayama H, Wang H, Momin A, Jolly MK, Celiktas M, Rodriguez-Canales J, Liu H, Behrens C, Wistuba II, Ben-Jacob E, Levine H, Molldrem JJ, Hanash SM, Ostrin EJ. Immunoproteasome deficiency is a feature of non-small cell lung cancer with a mesenchymal phenotype and is associated with a poor outcome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113(11):E1555-64, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 26929325.
- Yang J, Hernandez BJ, Martinez Alanis D, Narvaez del Pilar O, Vila-Ellis L, Akiyama H, Evans SE, Ostrin EJ, Chen J. The development and plasticity of alveolar type 1 cells. Development 143(1):54-65, 2016. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 26586225.
- Hanash S, Taguchi A, Wang H, Ostrin EJ. Deciphering the complexity of the cancer proteome for diagnostic applications. Expert Rev Mol Diagn 16(4):1-7, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 26694525.
- Solberg OD, Ostrin EJ, Love MI, Peng JC, Bhakta NR, Hou L, Nguyen C, Solon M, Nguyen C, Barczak AJ, Zlock LT, Blagev DP, Finkbeiner WE, Ansel KM, Arron JR, Erle DJ, Woodruff PG. Airway epithelial miRNA expression is altered in asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 186(10):965-74, 2012. e-Pub 2012. PMID: 22955319.
- Zeidner JF, Ostrin EJ, Sydnor E, Fine D, Sperati CJ. The tissue's the issue. Am J Med 123(5):420-2, 2010. PMID: 20399317.
- Ostrin EJ, Li Y, Hoffman K, Liu J, Wang K, Zhang L, Mardon G, Chen R. Genome-wide identification of direct targets of the Drosophila retinal determination protein Eyeless. Genome Res 16(4):466-76, 2006. e-Pub 2006. PMID: 16533912.
- Pappu KS, Ostrin EJ, Middlebrooks BW, Sili BT, Chen R, Atkins MR, Gibbs R, Mardon G. Dual regulation and redundant function of two eye-specific enhancers of the Drosophila retinal determination gene dachshund. Development 132(12):2895-905, 2005. PMID: 15930118.
- Tavsanli BC, Ostrin EJ, Burgess HK, Middlebrooks BW, Pham TA, Mardon G. Structure-function analysis of the Drosophila retinal determination protein Dachshund. Dev Biol 272(1):231-47, 2004. PMID: 15242803.
- Rayapureddi JP, Kattamuri C, Steinmetz BD, Frankfort BJ, Ostrin EJ, Mardon G, Hegde RS. Eyes absent represents a class of protein tyrosine phosphatases. Nature 426(6964):295-8, 2003. PMID: 14628052.
- Lloyd TE, Verstreken P, Ostrin EJ, Phillippi A, Lichtarge O, Bellen HJ. A genome-wide search for synaptic vesicle cycle proteins in Drosophila. Neuron 26(1):45-50, 2000. PMID: 10798391.
Invited Articles
- Ostrin EJ, Sidransky D, Spira A, Hanash SM. Biomarkers for Lung Cancer Screening and Detection. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 29(12):2411-2415, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 33093160.
- Fahrmann JF, Vykoukal JV, Ostrin EJ. Amino acid oncometabolism and immunomodulation of the tumor microenvironment in lung cancer. Front Oncol 10(276):276, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32266129.
- Hanash SM, Ostrin EJ, Fahrmann JF. Blood based biomarkers for lung cancer. Transl Lung Cancer Res 7(3):327-335, 2018.
- Unver N, Zeleke KT, Tang X, Holt S, Moghaddam SJ, Wang H, Wistuba II, Hanash SM and Ostrin EJ. Myo-inositol modulates the tumor microenvironment in a mouse model of lung cancer chemoprevention. AACR, 2016.
Grant & Contract Support
Date: | 2019 - 2020 |
Title: | The role of KYNU upregulation in lung adenocarcinoma |
Funding Source: | American Lung Association |
Role: | Principal Investigator |
Date: | 2016 - 2018 |
Title: | |
Funding Source: | Lung Cancer Research Foundation |
Role: | Principal Investigator |
ID: | FP00000590 |
Title: | Evolution of small-cell lung cancer from the normal airway |
Funding Source: | Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) |
Role: | Co-Investigator |
ID: | RP220096 |
Title: | Clinical Validation Center for Lung Cancer Early Detection |
Funding Source: | NIH/NCI |
Role: | Co-Principal Investigator |
ID: | 1U01CA271888-01 |
Title: | Optimizing Personalized Screening and Diagnostic Decisions for Lung Cancer Based on Dynamic Risk Assessment and Life Expectancy |
Funding Source: | NIH/NCI |
Role: | Co-Investigator |
ID: | 1R37CA271187 |
Title: | Developing novel, integrative approaches for expanding lung cancer screening and local consolidative therapy |
Funding Source: | MD Anderson Moon Shot |
Role: | Co-Principal Investigator |
ID: | MD Anderson Moon Shot |
Title: | The potential risks and benefits of electronic cigarettes to older smokers at high risk for lung cancer |
Funding Source: | NIH/NCI |
Role: | Co-Investigator |
ID: | NIH 5R01CA238478-02 |
Title: | microRNAs in the airway epithelium |
Funding Source: | NIH/NHLBI |
Role: | Postdoctoral Fellow |
ID: | F32 HL112498 |
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified December 07, 2023