Jonathan A. Wilks, M.D.
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Division of Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, and Pain Medicine
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Division of Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, and Pain Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Dual/Joint/Adjunct Appointment
Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
2005 | Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, US, MD with Honor |
2005 | Rice University, Houston, Texas, US, Chemistry, BA Magna Cum Laude |
Postgraduate Training
2017-2017 | Certification, Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing, Perioperative Exercise Testing & Training Society, New Forest |
2013-2014 | Clinical Fellowship, Cancer Anesthesia, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas |
2010-2013 | Clinical Residency, Anesthesiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas |
2009-2010 | Clinical Residency, General Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas |
2007-2009 | Research Fellowship, Surgical Oncology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas |
2005-2007 | Clinical Residency, General Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas |
Board Certifications
2015 | American Board of Anesthesiology |
Experience & Service
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, 2014 - 2020
Administrative Appointments/Responsibilities
Associate Patient Safety and Quality Officer, Department of Anesthesiology & PeriOper Med, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, 2024 - Present
Section Chief, Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, 2022 - Present
Other Appointments/Responsibilities
Collaborator, Balanced Anaesthesia Study Group, Houston, Texas, 2015 - 2019
Collaborator, Global Onco-Anesthesia Research Collaboration Group, Houston, Texas, 2014 - 2019
Institutional Committee Activities
Sarcoma Surgery, Anesthesia Co-Lead, Institutional Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Program, 2023 - Present
Pancreatic Surgery, Anesthesia Co-Lead, Institutional Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Program, 2021 - Present
Member, Surgical Oncology Chair Search Committee, 2020 - 2021
Co-Chair, Woodlands HAL Procedural Clinical Operations Committee, 2020 - Present
Member, Committee on Surgical and Procedural Anesthesia, 2018 - 2020
Member, Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine Anesthesia Supply Committee, 2018 - 2021
ASA Representative, High Risk GI Surgery Work Group, 2018 - 2019
Member, Medical Practice Committee, 2017 - Present
Member, Paravertebral Block Team, Main OR. Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, 2015 - 2019
Member, MD Anderson Faculty Academic Review Committee, 2014 - 2016
Honors & Awards
2021 | Best 200 Abstract, 17th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists |
2020 | Cancer Anesthesia Fellowship Attending of the Year, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |
2019 | Employee of the Month, June 2019, MD Anderson Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine |
2013 | Outstanding Performance in Acute Pain Management and Regional Anesthesia at MD Anderson Cancer Center, MD Anderson Cancer Center |
2013 | Outstanding Resident in Pain Anesthesia at The Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, The Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center |
2013 | Robert D. Dripps, M.D. Memorial Award to the Outstanding Graduate Resident in Anesthesiology, Baylor College of Medicine |
2010 | The Virginia Apgar Award for Outstanding Performance in Obstetric Anesthesia, Baylor College of Medicine |
2008 | Association for Academic Surgery Resident Research Award, Association for Academic Surgery |
2007 | Baylor College of Medicine Molecular Surgeon Young Investigator Award, Baylor College of Medicine |
2006 | Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery Outstanding Surgical Intern Award, Baylor College of Medicine |
2004 | Alpha Omega Alpha, Baylor College of Medicine |
2000 | Phi Beta Kappa, Rice University |
1994 | Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America |
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Newhook TE, Prakash LR, Soliz J, Hancher-Hodges S, Speer BB, Wilks JA, Bruno ML, Dewhurst WL, Arvide EM, Maxwell JE, Ikoma N, Kim MP, Lee JE, Katz MHG, Tzeng CD. Perioperative blood transfusions and survival in resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients given multimodality therapy. J Surg Oncol 124(8):1381-1389, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34398988.
- Cata JP, Fournier K, Corrales G, Owusu-Agyemang P, Soliz J, Bravo M, Wilks JA, Van Meter A, Hernandez M, Gottumukkala V, group HS. The Impact of Thoracic Epidural Analgesia Versus Four Quadrant Transversus Abdominis Plane Block on Quality of Recovery After Cytoreductive Surgery with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Surgery: A Single-Center, Noninferiority, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Ann Surg Oncol 28(9):5297-5310, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 33534044.
- Newhook TE, Soliz JM, Prakash LR, Hancher-Hodges S, Speer BB, Wilks JA, Ikoma N, Kim MP, Lee JE, Katz MHG, Tzeng CD. Impact of Intraoperative Dexamethasone on Surgical and Oncologic Outcomes for Patients with Resected Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol 28(3):1563-1569, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 32803553.
- Short TG, Campbell D, Frampton C, Chan MTV, Myles PS, Corcoran TB, Sessler DI, Mills GH, Cata JP, Painter T, Byrne K, Han R, Chu MHM, McAllister DJ, Leslie K, Trials Network AANZCOAC, Study Group BA. Anaesthetic depth and complications after major surgery: an international, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 394(10212):1907-1914, 2019. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 31645286.
- Soliz, J, Ifeanyi-Pillette, IC, Katz, MH, Wilks, JA, Cata, JP, McHugh, TM, Fleming, JB, Feng, L, Rahlfs, TF, Bruno, M, Gottumukkala, V. Comparing postoperative complications and inflammatory markers using total intravenous anesthesia versus volatile gas anesthesia for pancreatic cancer surgery. Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine 7(4), 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 29344445.
- Marshall CL, Balentine CJ, Robinson CN, Wilks JA, Anaya D, Artinyan A, Awad SS, Berger DH, Albo D. A multidisciplinary cancer center maximizes surgeons' impact. J Surg Res 171(1):15-22, 2011. e-Pub 2011. PMID: 21696763.
- Albo D, Akay CL, Marshall CL, Wilks JA, Verstovsek G, Liu H, Agarwal N, Berger DH, Ayala GE. Neurogenesis in colorectal cancer is a marker of aggressive tumor behavior and poor outcomes. Cancer 117(21):4834-45, 2011. e-Pub 2011. PMID: 21480205.
- Robinson CN, Balentine CJ, Marshall CL, Wilks JA, Anaya D, Artinyan A, Berger DH, Albo D. Minimally invasive surgery improves short-term outcomes in elderly colorectal cancer patients. J Surg Res 166(2):182-8, 2011. e-Pub 2011. PMID: 21276980.
- Balentine CJ, Robinson CN, Marshall CR, Wilks JA, Buitrago W, Haderxhanaj K, Sansgiry S, Petersen NJ, Bansal V, Albo D, Berger DH. Waist circumference predicts increased complications in rectal cancer surgery. J Gastrointest Surg 14(11):1669-79, 2010. e-Pub 2010. PMID: 20835770.
- Balentine CJ, Marshall C, Robinson C, Wilks JA, Anaya D, Albo D, Berger DH. Validating quantitative obesity measurements in colorectal cancer patients. J Surg Res 164(1):18-22, 2010. e-Pub 2010. PMID: 20828744.
- Balentine CJ, Wilks JA, Robinson C, Marshall C, Anaya D, Albo D, Berger DH. Obesity increases wound complications in rectal cancer surgery. J Surg Res 163(1):35-9, 2010. e-Pub 2010. PMID: 20605591.
- Balentine CJ, Marshall C, Robinson C, Wilks JA, Anaya D, Albo D, Berger DH. Obese patients benefit from minimally invasive colorectal cancer surgery. J Surg Res 163(1):29-34, 2010. e-Pub 2010. PMID: 20538294.
- Liebig C, Ayala G, Wilks JA, Verstovsek G, Liu H, Agarwal N, Berger DH, Albo D. Perineural invasion is an independent predictor of outcome in colorectal cancer. J Clin Oncol 27(31):5131-7, 2009. e-Pub 2009. PMID: 19738119.
- Liebig C, Wilks JA, Feig BW, Wang TN, Wilson M, Herdman AV, Albo D. The role of angiocidin in sarcomas. Cancer 115(22):5251-62, 2009. e-Pub 2009. PMID: 19634159.
- Wilks JA, Balentine CJ, Berger DH, Anaya D, Awad S, Lee L, Haderxhanaj K, Albo D. Establishment of a minimally invasive program at a Veterans' Affairs Medical Center leads to improved care in colorectal cancer patients. Am J Surg 198(5):685-92, 2009. e-Pub 2009. PMID: 19887200.
- Wilks JA, Liebig C, Tasleem SH, Haderxhanaj K, Lee L, Farrow B, Awad S, Berger D, Albo D. Rectal cancer patients benefit from implementation of a dedicated colorectal cancer center in a Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Am J Surg 198(1):100-4, 2009. e-Pub 2009. PMID: 19268899.
- Wang X, LeMaire SA, Chen L, Carter SA, Shen YH, Gan Y, Bartsch H, Wilks JA, Utama B, Ou H, Thompson RW, Coselli JS, Wang XL. Decreased expression of fibulin-5 correlates with reduced elastin in thoracic aortic dissection. Surgery 138(2):352-9, 2005. e-Pub 2005. PMID: 16153447.
- LeMaire SA, Wang X, Wilks JA, Carter SA, Wen S, Won T, Leonardelli D, Anand G, Conklin LD, Wang XL, Thompson RW, Coselli JS. Matrix metalloproteinases in ascending aortic aneurysms: bicuspid versus trileaflet aortic valves. J Surg Res 123(1):40-8, 2005. e-Pub 2005. PMID: 15652949.
Manuals, Teaching Aids, Other Teaching Publications
- Vu C, Nguyen L, Wilks JA, Bui T. Airway Online 15 – Intubation Through an LMA, 2017.
Other Articles
- Yap A, Lopez-Olivo MA, Dubowitz J, Hiller J, Riedel B, Collaboration Group GOR Anesthetic technique and cancer outcomes: a meta-analysis of total intravenous versus volatile anesthesia. Can J Anaesth 66(5):546-561, 2019. PMID: 30834506.
- Wilks, JA Cancer Biology. Current Anesthesiology Reports 8(4):355-361, 2018.
- Malik I, Wilks JA, Singh P, Brydges N Fentanyl-Induced Chest Wall Rigidity in the Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2(1), 2018.
- Egger ME, Gottumukkala V, Wilks JA, Soliz J, Ilmer M, Vauthey JN, Conrad C Anesthetic and operative considerations for laparoscopic liver resection. Surgery 161(5):1191-1202, 2017. PMID: 27545995.
- Tan J, Lasala J, Soliz J, Wilks JA, Tsai J, Calderon TM, Vachhani S, Heir JS, Mena GE Extubating Techniques for the Difficult Airway. International Journal of Anesthetics and Anesthesiology 4(1):4:058, 2017.
- Wilks, JA, Hancher-Hodges, S, Gottumukkala, V Contemporary Perioperative Anesthetic Management of Hepatic Resection. Advances in Anesthesia 34(1):85-103, 2016.
- Liebig C, Ayala G, Wilks JA, Berger DH, Albo D Perineural invasion in cancer: a review of the literature. Cancer 115(15):3379-91, 2009. PMID: 19484787.
- Dang A, Vachhani S, Wilks JA, Hernandez M, Moon-Calderson T, Arnold B, Tsai J, Ifeanyi-Pillette I, Hightower C, Riedel B. Quantifying the Physiologic Effects of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation on Patients with Carcinoma of the Esophagus by Integrative Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing. Anesthesia & Analgesia 133(3S), 2021. e-Pub 2021.
Book Chapters
- Wilks JA, Gottumukkala V. Anesthesia for laparoscopic liver surgery. In: Laparoscopic Liver, Pancreas, and Biliary Surgery: Textbook and Illustrated Video Atlas. 1st Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 169-184, 2016.
Letters to the Editor
- Marshall, CL, Akay, CL, Ayala, GE, Wilks, JA, Verstovsek, G, Liu, H, Agarwal, N, Berger, DH, Albo, D. Reply to E.M. Poeschl et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology 28: e361-e363, 2010.
Selected Presentations & Talks
Local Presentations
- 2022. Winter is Coming: Anesthesia North of the Wall. Invited. Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine Grand Rounds. Houston, Texas, US.
- 2019. Hot and Bothered: An MH Review. Invited. 8th Annual Anesthesia Technology Conference. Houston, TX, US.
- 2018. Monitoring of Cardiopulmonary Physiology. Invited. 7th Annual Anesthesia Technology Conference. Houston, TX, US.
- 2017. Gas Passing: A Volatile Refresher. Invited. 6th Annual Anesthesia Technology Conference. Houston, TX, US.
- 2016. Anesthesia for Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgery. Invited. 5th Annual Anesthesia Technology Conference. Houston, TX, US.
- 2015. This is Your Brain... on Anesthesia. Invited. 4th Annual Anesthesia Technology Conference. Houston, TX, US.
- 2014. Onco-Anesthesia: Building a Framework. Invited. Grand Rounds. Houston, TX, US.
- 2013. Anesthetic Immunomodulation in Cancer Surgery. Invited. Grand Rounds. Houston, TX, US.
- 2009. A New Program at the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans' Affairs Medical Center. Invited. Grand Rounds. Houston, TX, US.
- 2009. Establishment of a Minimally Invasive Colorectal Cancer Surgery Program Leads to Improved Care of Veterans. Invited. Resident Research Day. Houston, TX, US.
- 2008. The Colorectal Cancer Center at the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans' Affairs Medical Center. Invited. Grand Rounds. Houston, TX, US.
- 2007. Combination of Perineural Invasion and Neurogenesis in Colon Cancer Yields Poor Prognosis. Invited. Molecular Surgeon Research Day. Houston, TX, US.
- 2004. Matrix Metalloproteinases in Thoracic Aortic Disease. Invited. Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology Research Seminar. Houston, TX, US.
Regional Presentations
- 2017. Cancer Biology and Cancer Therapies: A Primer for the Perioperative Clinicians. Conference. Texas Society of Anesthesiologists. San Antonio, TX, US.
- 2016. A Post Dural Puncture Case-More than just Pain?. Conference. 70th Post Graduate Assembly in Anesthesiology. New York, NY, US.
National Presentations
- 2023. Excision of Large Retroperitoneal Sarcoma with Massive Transfusion. Poster. Anesthesiology 2023. San Francisco, California, US.
- 2022. Nasogastric Tube Insertion After Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery ... Without The Oops. Poster. Anesthesiology 2022. New Orleans, Louisiana, US.
- 2022. Modified Radical Mastectomy in Patient With Paraneoplastic Stiff Person Syndrome. Poster. Anesthesiology 2022. New Orleans, Louisiana, US.
- 2020. Fundamentals of Electrosurgical Devices and Safety. Conference. Anesthesiology 2020, US.
- 2020. Thoracic Epidural Analgesia is the Gold Standard. Invited. Global Enhanced Recovery Symposium. Houston, TX, US.
- 2019. Fundamentals of Electrosurgical Devices and Safety. Conference. Anesthesiology 2019. Orlando, FL, US.
- 2018. Pheochromocytoma and Unablated Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. Poster. Anesthesiology 2018. San Francisco, California, US.
- 2016. A Post Dural Puncture Case-More than just Pain?. Poster. 70th Post Graduate Assembly in Anesthesiology. New York, NY, US.
- 2011. Hepatic capsular tear during coronary artery bypass. Poster. Anesthesiology 2011. Chicago, IL, US.
- 2009. Establishment of a Minimally Invasive Colorectal Cancer Surgery Program Lead to Improved Care of Veterans. Conference. Association of VA Surgeons 33rd Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, US.
- 2009. Thrombospondin-1, Through Angiocidin, Up-regulates Gelatinase Expression in Colon Cancer Cells. Conference. 4th Annual Academic Surgical Congress. Ft. Myers, FL, US.
- 2009. Angiocidin siRNA Inhibits Colon Cancer Growth in vivo. Conference. 4th Annual Academic Surgical Congress. Ft. Myers, FL, US.
- 2009. A Dedicated Colorectal Cancer Center in a VA Medical Center Provides Higher Quality of Care for Colorectal Cancer Patients. Conference. 4th Annual Academic Surgical Congress. Ft. Myers, FL, US.
- 2008. Improvements in Colon Cancer Health Care Delivery with Implementation of a Dedicated Colorectal Cancer Center. Conference. 63rd Annual Sessions of the Owen H Wangensteen Forum on Fundamental Surgical Problems at the 94th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. San Francisco, TX, US.
- 2008. Implementation of a Dedicated Colorectal Cancer Center in a Veterans' Affairs Health Care System. Conference. Association of VA Surgeons 32nd Annual Surgical Symposium. Dallas, TX, US.
- 2008. Neurogenesis in Colorectal Cancer, Plenary Session. Conference. 3rd Annual Academic Surgical Congress. Huntington Beach, CA, US.
- 2008. Structural Analysis and Cellular Distribution of Angiocidin in Cancer Cells. Conference. 3rd Annual Academic Surgical Congress. Huntington Beach, CA, US.
- 2004. Expression of gelatinase-B and its inhibitors in descending thoracic aortic aneurysms with chronic dissection. Conference. Michael E. DeBakey International Surgical Society, XVth Congress. Houston, TX, US.
- 2004. Increased Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression in Patients with Thoracic Aortic Dissection. Conference. 45th Annual National Student Research Forum. Galveston, TX, US.
- 2004. Proteases in Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms: Are Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Appropriate Controls?. Conference. 45th Annual National Student Research Forum. Galveston, TX, US.
- 2004. Proteases in thoracic aortic dissection: Increased matrix metalloproteinase-9 is associated with chronic distal dissection. Conference. 5th Annual James K. Alexander Research Symposium. Houston, TX, US.
- 2004. Ascending Aneurysms in Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valves Have Altered Tissue Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinases. Conference. 5th Annual James K. Alexander Research Symposium. Houston, TX, US.
- 2004. Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms Due to Chronic Dissection Have Altered Tissue Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 and its inhibitors. Conference. Society of University Surgeons 46th Annual University Surgical Residents' Conference. St. Louis, MO, US.
- 2004. Aortic Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 and its Inhibitor are Elevated in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass. Conference. Society of University Surgeons 46th Annual University Surgical Residents' Conference. St. Louis, MO, US.
- 2003. A Critical Evaluation of Ascending Aortic "Control Tissue". Conference. Molecular Surgeon Research Day. Houston, TX, US.
International Presentations
- 2015. Tumor Biology: An Introduction for the Anesthesiologist. Invited. Argentinean Association of Anesthesiologists: Post Graduate Course on Perioperative Management of the Cancer Patient. Buenos Aires, AR.
- 2014. Cancer Biology 101: A Primer for the Anesthesiologist. Conference. 41º Congreso Argentino de Anestesiología. Buenos Aires, AR.
- 2004. Expression of gelatinase-B and its inhibitors in descending thoracic aortic aneurysms with chronic dissection. Conference. Michael E. DeBakey International Surgical Society, XVth Congress. Houston, US.
Grant & Contract Support
Date: | 2020 - 2022 |
Title: | A pilot study to assess the functional capacity of esophageal cancer patients who have received neoadjuvant therapy prior to esophagectomy |
Funding Source: | MDACC Division of Anesthesiology, Critical Care & Pain Medicine |
Role: | CO-I |
ID: | Clinical Research Development Award |
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified March 03, 2025