Salah-Eddine Bentebibel, Ph.D.
Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Instructor, Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology - Research, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
2014 | Institute of Biomedical Studies, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA, PHD, Biomedical Studies |
2007 | Catholic University of Lyon, Lyon, FRA, Specialized Degree on Biotechnology, Biotechnology |
2005 | University of Clermont - Ferrand 2, Clermont Ferrand, FRA, MS, Master of Science |
2003 | University of Constantine School of Veterinary Medicine, Constantine, DZA, DVM, Doctor of Vetinary Medicine |
Postgraduate Training
2016-2021 | Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX |
2015-2016 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, Dallas, TX |
2009-2014 | Research Assistant, Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, Dallas, TX |
Honors & Awards
2019 | Research Publication Featured in the Highlights of the Issue and Accompanied 2019 by a Commentary, Cancer Discov, 2019 Jun; 9 (6): 711-721 |
2015 | FOCIS Travel Award, Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies Annual Meeting |
2013 | The Roche Postdoctoral Fellowship (RPF) Programme, Roche Pharmaceuticals |
2012 | Best Poster Award, Baylor Institute for Immunology Research Annual Retreat |
2010 | FOCIS Travel Award, Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies Annual Meeting |
2010 | AAI Minority Scientist Travel Award, American Association of Immunologist Annual Meeting |
2010 | Best Poster Award, Baylor Institute for Immunology Research Annual Retreat |
Professional Memberships
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- # Federico L, # McGrail DJ, # Bentebibel SE, Haymaker C, Ravelli A, Forget MA, Karpinets T, Jiang P, Reuben A, Negrao MV, Li J, Khairullah R, Zhang J, Weissferdt A, Vaporciyan AA, Antonoff MB, Walsh G, Lin SY, Futreal A, Wistuba I, Roth J, Byers LA, Gaudreau PO, Uraoka N, Cruz AF, Dejima H, Lazcano RN, Solis LM, Parra ER, Lee JJ, Swisher S, Cascone T, Heymach JV, Zhang J, Sepesi B, Gibbons DL, Bernatchez C (#Contributed Equally). Distinct tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte landscapes are associated with clinical outcomes in localized non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 33(1):42-56, 2022. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34653632.
- Horiuchi S, Wu H, Liu WC, Schmitt N, Provot J, Liu Y, Bentebibel SE, Albrecht RA, Schotsaert M, Forst CV, Zhang B, Ueno H. Tox2 is required for the maintenance of GC TFH cells and the generation of memory TFH cells. Sci Adv 7(41):eabj1249, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34623911.
- Sahaf B, Pichavant M, Lee BH, Duault C, Thrash EM, Davila M, Fernandez N, Millerchip K, Bentebibel SE, Haymaker C, Sigal N, Del Valle DM, Ranasinghe S, Fayle S, Sanchez-Espiridion B, Zhang J, Bernatchez C, Wu CJ, Wistuba II, Kim-Schulze S, Gnjatic S, Bendall SC, Song M, Thurin M, Lee JJ, Maecker HT, Rahman A. Immune Profiling Mass Cytometry Assay Harmonization: Multicenter Experience from CIMAC-CIDC. Clin Cancer Res 27(18):5062-5071, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34266889.
- Haymaker C, Johnson DH, Murthy R, Bentebibel SE, Uemura MI, Hudgens CW, Safa H, James M, Andtbacka RHI, Johnson DB, Shaheen M, Davies MA, Rahimian S, Chunduru SK, Milton DR, Tetzlaff MT, Overwijk WW, Hwu P, Gabrail N, Agrawal S, Doolittle G, Puzanov I, Markowitz J, Bernatchez C, Diab A. Tilsotolimod with Ipilimumab Drives Tumor Responses in Anti-PD-1 Refractory Melanoma. Cancer Discov 11(8):1996-2013, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 33707233.
- #Diab A, #Tannir NM, #Bentebibel SE, Hwu P, Papadimitrakopoulou V, Haymaker C, Kluger HM, Gettinger SN, Sznol M, Tykodi SS, Curti BD, Tagliaferri MA, Zalevsky J, Hannah AL, Hoch U, Aung S, Fanton C, Rizwan A, Iacucci E, Liao Y, Bernatchez C, Hurwitz ME, Cho DC(# Contributed Equally). Bempegaldesleukin (NKTR-214) plus Nivolumab in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors: Phase I Dose-Escalation Study of Safety, Efficacy, and Immune Activation (PIVOT-02). Cancer Discov 10(8):1158-1173, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32439653.
- Sharma M, Khong H, Fa'ak F, Bentebibel SE, Janssen LME, Chesson BC, Creasy CA, Forget MA, Kahn LMS, Pazdrak B, Karki B, Hailemichael Y, Singh M, Vianden C, Vennam S, Bharadwaj U, Tweardy DJ, Haymaker C, Bernatchez C, Huang S, Rajapakshe K, Coarfa C, Hurwitz ME, Sznol M, Hwu P, Hoch U, Addepalli M, Charych DH, Zalevsky J, Diab A, Overwijk WW. Bempegaldesleukin selectively depletes intratumoral Tregs and potentiates T cell-mediated cancer therapy. Nat Commun 11(1):661, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32005826.
- Bentebibel SE, Hurwitz ME, Bernatchez C, Haymaker C, Hudgens CW, Kluger HM, Tetzlaff MT, Tagliaferri MA, Zalevsky J, Hoch U, Fanton C, Aung S, Hwu P, Curti BD, Tannir NM, Sznol M, Diab A. A First-in-Human Study and Biomarker Analysis of NKTR-214, a Novel IL2Rβγ-Biased Cytokine, in Patients with Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors. Cancer Discov 9(6):711-721, 2019. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 30988166.
- Schmitt N, Liu Y, Bentebibel SE, Ueno H. Molecular Mechanisms Regulating T Helper 1 versus T Follicular Helper Cell Differentiation in Humans. Cell Rep 16(4):1082-1095, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27425607.
- Bentebibel SE, Khurana S, Schmitt N, Kurup P, Mueller C, Obermoser G, Palucka AK, Albrecht RA, Garcia-Sastre A, Golding H, Ueno H. ICOS(+)PD-1(+)CXCR3(+) T follicular helper cells contribute to the generation of high-avidity antibodies following influenza vaccination. Sci Rep 6:26494, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27231124.
- Schmitt N, Liu Y, Bentebibel SE, Munagala I, Bourdery L, Venuprasad K, Banchereau J, Ueno H. The cytokine TGF-β co-opts signaling via STAT3-STAT4 to promote the differentiation of human TFH cells. Nat Immunol 15(9):856-65, 2014. e-Pub 2014. PMID: 25064073.
- Schmitt N, Bustamante J, Bourdery L, Bentebibel SE, Boisson-Dupuis S, Hamlin F, Tran MV, Blankenship D, Pascual V, Savino DA, Banchereau J, Casanova JL, Ueno H. IL-12 receptor β1 deficiency alters in vivo T follicular helper cell response in humans. Blood 121(17):3375-85, 2013. e-Pub 2013. PMID: 23476048.
- Bentebibel SE, Lopez S, Obermoser G, Schmitt N, Mueller C, Harrod C, Flano E, Mejias A, Albrecht RA, Blankenship D, Xu H, Pascual V, Banchereau J, Garcia-Sastre A, Palucka AK, Ramilo O, Ueno H. Induction of ICOS+CXCR3+CXCR5+ TH cells correlates with antibody responses to influenza vaccination. Sci Transl Med 5(176):176ra32, 2013. PMID: 23486778.
- Bentebibel SE, Schmitt N, Banchereau J, Ueno H. Human tonsil B-cell lymphoma 6 (BCL6)-expressing CD4+ T-cell subset specialized for B-cell help outside germinal centers. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(33):E488-97, 2011. e-Pub 2011. PMID: 21808017.
- Morita R, Schmitt N, Bentebibel SE, Ranganathan R, Bourdery L, Zurawski G, Foucat E, Dullaers M, Oh S, Sabzghabaei N, Lavecchio EM, Punaro M, Pascual V, Banchereau J, Ueno H. Human blood CXCR5(+)CD4(+) T cells are counterparts of T follicular cells and contain specific subsets that differentially support antibody secretion. Immunity 34(1):108-21, 2011. e-Pub 2011. PMID: 21215658.
- Schmitt N, Morita R, Bourdery L, Bentebibel SE, Zurawski SM, Banchereau J, Ueno H. Human dendritic cells induce the differentiation of interleukin-21-producing T follicular helper-like cells through interleukin-12. Immunity 31(1):158-69, 2009. PMID: 19592276.
Invited Articles
- Bentebibel SE, Diab A. Cytokines in the Treatment of Melanoma. Curr Oncol Rep 23(7):83, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34003395.
- Johnson D, Hailemichael Y, Foo WC, Hess K, Haymaker C, Wani K, Lazar A, Saberian C, Bentebibel SE, Burton E, Abu-Sbeih H, Wang Yi, Hwu P, Diab A. Interleukin-6 potential target to de-couple checkpoint inhibitor-induced colitis from antitumor immunity. Journal of Clinical Oncology 37. 15 Suppl:2616, 2019.
- Diab A, Tykodi S, Curti B, Cho D, Wong M, Puzanov I, Lewis K, Maio M, Daniels G Spira A, Tagliaferri M, Hannah A, Clemens W, Imperiale M, Bernatchez C, Haymaker C, Bentebibel SE, Zalevsky J, Hoch U, Hurwitz M. Immune monitoring after NKTR-214 plus nivolumab (PIVOT-02) in previously untreated patients with metastatic Stage IV melanoma. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, Proceedings of 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) 6((Suppl 1:04):s40425-018-0423-x, 2018.
- Sharma M, Khong H, Fa'ak F, Chesson B, Pazdrak B, Kahn L, Janssen L, Bharadwaj U, Karki B, Xiao Z, Hailemichael Y, Singh M, Vianden C, Tweardy, D, Bentebibel SE, Haymaker C, Bernatchez C, Diab A, Hoch U, Zalevsky J, Overwijk W. NKTR-214, an engineered IL-2, selectively depletes intratumoral Tregs and expands immunotherapy- induced effector T cell responses. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, Proceedings Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) Annual Meeting 2018 6((suppl 1)), 2018.
- Johnson D, Bentebibel SE, Lecagoonporn S, Bernatchez C, Haymaker C, Murthy R, Tam A, Yee C, Amaria R, Patel S, Hassan A, Glitza I, Davies M, Hwu, W-J, Hwu, P, Overwijk W, Diab A. Phase I/II dose escalation and expansion cohort safety and efficacy study of image guided intratumoral CD40 agonistic monoclonal antibody APX005M in combination with systemic pembrolizumab for treatment naive metastatic melanoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology, Proceedings of 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting 36, 15-suppl, 2018.
- Johnson D, Haymaker C, Wani K, Foo W-C, Bentebibel SE, Curry J, Diab A, Wargo J, Reuben A, Burton E.. Interleukin-6 gene expression is highly upregulated in immune checkpoint mediated enterocolitis. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 6(Suppl 1), 2018.
- Haymaker C, Uemura M, Hwu W-J, M Ravi, James M, Bhatta A, Bentebibel SE, Brevard J, Geib J, Lipford K, Cornfeld M, Chunduru S, Yee C, Woodman S, Amaria R, Patel S, Tawbi H, Glitza I, Davies M, Overwijk W, Hwu P, Bernatchez C, Diab A. TLR9 agonist harnesses innate immunity to drive tumor-infiltrating T cell expansion in distant lesions in a phase 1/2 study of intratumoral IMO-2125+ipilimumab in anti-PD1 refractory melanoma patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology, Proceedings 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) 2018, National Harbor, Maryland 35(7, Suppl 136), 2017.
Book Chapters
- Bentebibel SE, Jacquemin C, Schmitt N, Ueno H. Analysis of human blood memory T follicular helper subsets. In: Methods Mol Biol, 187-197, 2015.
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified January 29, 2024