Meet Claudio Tatsui, M.D.

Claudio E. Tatsui, M.D.
Department of Neurosurgery, Division of Surgery
About Dr. Tatsui
Claudio Tatsui, M.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Neurosurgery at MD Anderson. Dr. Tatsui, originally from Brazil, came to MD Anderson from the Department of Neurosurgery at Baylor College of Medicine and the Michael E. Debakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Houston. His areas of expertise include surgery of spine tumors and primary and metastatic brain tumors and technologies to treat brain and spine tumors. Dr. Tatsui is working on ground-breaking research at MD Anderson, such as creating an animal model that can reproduce the symptoms of spine tumors in humans, so he can test treatment interventions. The goal is to help individualize a patient's treatment plan. His research interest will also help advance the understanding of how tumors invade the spine and what mechanisms of spread might provide novel therapeutic targets.
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Division of Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Dual/Joint/Adjunct Appointment
Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
1999 | Federal University of Parana, Curitiba-PR, BRA, MD, Medical Doctor |
Postgraduate Training
2006-2008 | Clinical Fellowship, Neurosurgical Oncology, University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX |
2004-2004 | Research Fellowship, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, University of Miami, Miami, FL |
2004-2005 | Clinical Fellowship, Neurosurgery Spine, University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL |
1999-2004 | Clinical Residency, Neurosurgery, Hospital Nossa Senhora das Gracas, Curitiba-PR |
Board Certifications
2004 | Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery |
Experience & Service
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Division of Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2016 - 2021
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, 2015 - 2016
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Division of Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2012 - 2016
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery - Research, Division of Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2010 - 2012
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, 2009 - 2012
Staff Neurosurgeon, Michael E. DeBakey, VA Medical Center, Houston, TX, 2009 - 2012
Staff Neurosurgeon, Ben Taub General Hospital, Houston, TX, 2009 - 2012
Administrative Appointments/Responsibilities
Director of Minimally Invasive Spinal Oncologic Surgery, Department of Neurosurgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2020 - Present
Institutional Committee Activities
Member, OR committee, 2020 - Present
Committee Member, Credentialing Committee, 2019 - Present
Member, DoS Epic Committee, 2016 - Present
Member, Advisory Committee for Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, 2016 - Present
Member, Discharge Management Committee, 2014 - Present
Member, Laser Safety Committee, 2014 - Present
Co-Chair, Stereotactic Spine Radiosurgery, 2012 - Present
Honors & Awards
2019 | Distinguished Mentor Award Nominee, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center |
2018 | International Neurosurgery Recognition Award, Society of Neuro-oncology Latin America’s |
2015 | Brian D. Silber Award, American Association of Neurological Surgeons |
2011 | Teacher of the Year, Baylor College of Medicine |
2010 | Certificate of Teaching Excellence, Baylor College of Medicine |
2008 | AMGEN Award, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |
2006 | Ruth B. Miller Memorial Fellowship for Clinical Trainees, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |
1999 | Best Oral Presentation in The Brazilian Congress of Headache |
Professional Memberships
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Beckham TH, Rooney MK, Cifter G, Bernard V, McAleer MF, De BS, Tom MC, Perni S, Wang C, Swanson T, Tatsui CE, Alvarez-Breckenridge C, North R, Rhines LD, Tang C, Logothetis C, Amini B, Li J, Yeboa DN, Ghia AJ. Stereotactic radiosurgery for prostate cancer spine metastases: local control and fracture risk using a simultaneous integrated boost approach. J Neurosurg Spine:1-9. e-Pub 2024. PMID: 38875722.
- Wang C, Rooney MK, Alvarez-Breckenridge C, Beckham TH, Chung C, De BS, Ghia AJ, Grosshans D, Majd NK, McAleer MF, McGovern SL, North RY, Paulino AC, Perni S, Reddy JP, Rhines LD, Swanson TA, Tatsui CE, Tom MC, Yeboa DN, Li J. Outcomes and Pattern of Care for Spinal Myxopapillary Ependymoma in the Modern Era-A Population-Based Observational Study. Cancers (Basel) 16(11), 2024. e-Pub 2024. PMID: 38893133.
- Ledbetter D, de Almeida R, Wu X, Naveh A, Patel CB, Gonzalez Q, Beckham TH, North R, Rhines L, Li J, Ghia A, Aten D, Tatsui C, Alvarez-Breckenridge C. Tumor treating fields suppress tumor cell growth and neurologic decline in models of spine metastases. JCI Insight. e-Pub 2024. PMID: 38512420.
- Shanker MD, Cavazos AP, Li J, Beckham TH, Yeboa DN, Wang C, Frances McAleer M, Briere TM, Amini B, Tatsui CE, North RY, Alvarez-Breckenridge CA, Cezayirli P, Rhines LD, Ghia A, Bishop AJ. Definitive single fraction spine stereotactic radiosurgery for metastatic sarcoma: Simultaneous integrated boost is associated with high tumor control and low vertebral fracture risk. Radiother Oncol:110119. e-Pub 2024. PMID: 38311030.
- Tatsui CE, Carlson KW, Patel CB. Tumor treating fields (TTFields) for spinal metastasis-The case for bone removal and spinal implants as waveguides to enhance field strength at the target. Neurooncol Adv 6(1):vdad170, 2024. e-Pub 2024. PMID: 38288093.
- Paolucci I, Albuquerque Marques Silva J, Lin YM, Fellman BM, Jones KA, Tatsui CE, Weinberg JS, Ruiz J, Tan J, Brock KK, Bale R, Odisio BC. Study Protocol STEREOLAB: Stereotactic Liver Ablation Assisted with Intra-Arterial CT Hepatic Arteriography and Ablation Confirmation Software Assessment. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 46(12):1748-1754, 2023. e-Pub 2023. PMID: 37563313.
- Mikula AL, Pennington Z, Lakomkin N, Prablek M, Amini B, Karim SM, Patel SS, Lubelski D, Sciubba DM, Alvarez-Breckenridge C, North RY, Tatsui CE, Bydon M, Fogelson JL, Elder BD, Krauss WE, Bird JE, Rose PS, Clarke MJ, Rhines LD. Risk factors for sacral fracture following en bloc chordoma resection. J Neurosurg Spine 39(5):611-617, 2023. e-Pub 2023. PMID: 37060308.
- de Almeida RAA, Ghia AJ, Amini B, Wang C, Alvarez-Breckenridge CA, Li J, Rhines LD, Tom MC, North RY, Beckham TH, Tatsui CE. Quantification of MRI Artifacts in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polyetheretherketone Thoracolumbar Pedicle Screw Constructs prior to Spinal Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Pract Radiat Oncol. e-Pub 2023. PMID: 37914081.
- Sherry AD, Maroongroge S, De B, Amini B, Conley AP, Bishop AJ, Wang C, Beckham T, Tom M, Briere T, Li J, Yeboa DN, McAleer MF, North R, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Ghia AJ. Management of chordoma and chondrosarcoma with definitive dose-escalated single-fraction spine stereotactic radiosurgery. J Neurooncol 164(2):377-386, 2023. e-Pub 2023. PMID: 37667065.
- Almeida RAA, Tatsui CE. Commentary on "Surgical Outcomes of Symptomatic Intramedullary Spinal Cord Cavernous Malformations: Analysis of Consecutive Cases in a Single Center". Neurospine 20(3):822-823, 2023. e-Pub 2023. PMID: 37798976.
- Bahouth SM, Yeboa DN, Ghia AJ, Tatsui CE, Alvarez-Breckenridge CA, Beckham TH, Bishop AJ, Li J, McAleer MF, North RY, Rhines LD, Swanson TA, Chenyang W, Amini B. Advances in the management of spinal metastases: what the radiologist needs to know. Br J Radiol:20220267. e-Pub 2022. PMID: 35946551.
- Bahouth SM, Yeboa DN, Ghia AJ, Tatsui CE, Alvarez-Breckenridge CA, Beckham TH, Bishio AJ, Li J, McAleer MF, North RY, Rhines LD, Swanson TA, Chenyang W, Amini B. Multidisciplinary management of spinal metastases: what the radiologist needs to know. Br J Radiol:20220266. e-Pub 2022. PMID: 35856792.
- Ray PR, Shiers S, Caruso JP, Tavares-Ferreira D, Sankaranarayanan I, Uhelski ML, Li Y, North RY, Tatsui C, Dussor G, Burton MD, Dougherty PM, Price TJ. RNA profiling of human dorsal root ganglia reveals sex-differences in mechanisms promoting neuropathic pain. Brain. e-Pub 2022. PMID: 35867896.
- Muir M, Rhines L, Demonte F, Tatsui C, Raza SM. Impact of Radiation Therapy on Outcomes After Spinal Instrumentation for Craniocervical Junction Malignancies. Neurospine 19(2):434-440, 2022. e-Pub 2022. PMID: 35577332.
- Gopakumar S, McDonald MF, Sharma H, Tatsui CE, Fuller GN, Rao G. Recurrent HGNET-MN1 altered (astroblastoma MN1-altered) of the foramen magnum: Case report and molecular classification. Surg Neurol Int 13:139, 2022. e-Pub 2022. PMID: 35509530.
- Upadhyay R, Khose S, Pokhylevych H, Paulino AC, McAleer MF, Ghia A, Li J, Yeboa DN, Loghin M, Harrison R, O'Brien B, Kamiya-Matsuoka C, De Groot J, Puduvalli VK, Tatsui C, Alvarez-Breckenridge C, Prabhu S, Rhines L, Zaky W, Lin F, Weinberg JS, Fuller G, Sandberg DI, Johnson JM, McGovern SL. Patterns of failure after radiation therapy in primary spinal high-grade gliomas: A single institutional analysis. Neurooncol Adv 4(1):vdac129, 2022. e-Pub 2022. PMID: 36128585.
- Li Y, Marri T, North RY, Rhodes HR, Uhelski ML, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Rao G, Corrales G, Abercrombie TJ, Johansson CA, Dougherty PM. Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy in a dish: dorsal root ganglion cells treated in vitro with paclitaxel show biochemical and physiological responses parallel to that seen in vivo. Pain 162(1):84-96, 2021. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32694383.
- Diao K, Song J, Thall PF, McGinnis GJ, Boyce-Fappiano D, Amini B, Brown PD, Yeboa DN, Bishop AJ, Li J, Briere TM, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Chang EL, Ghia AJ. Low risk of radiation myelopathy with relaxed spinal cord dose constraints in de novo, single fraction spine stereotactic radiosurgery. Radiother Oncol 152:49-55, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32745668.
- Vedantam A, Vigneswaran K, Rao G, Walsh GL, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE. Use of Navigated Ultrasonic Bone Cutting Tool for En Bloc Resection of Thoracic Chondrosarcoma: Technical Report. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown), 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32745212.
- Shiers S, Ray PR, Wangzhou A, Sankaranarayanan I, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Li Y, Uhelski ML, Dougherty PM, Price TJ. ACE2 and SCARF expression in human DRG nociceptors: implications for SARS-CoV-2 virus neurological effects. Pain. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32826754.
- Gjyshi O, Boyce-Fappiano D, Pezzi TA, Ludmir EB, Xiao L, Kaseb A, Amini B, Yeboa DN, Bishop AJ, Li J, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE, Briere TM, Ghia AJ. Spine stereotactic radiosurgery for metastases from hepatobiliary malignancies: patient selection using PRISM scoring. J Neurooncol. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32358642.
- Vega RA, Ghia AJ, Tatsui CE. Percutaneous Hybrid Therapy for Spinal Metastatic Disease: Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy and Spinal Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Neurosurg Clin N Am 31(2):211-219, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32147012.
- Boyce-Fappiano D, Gjyshi O, Pezzi TA, Allen PK, Solimman M, Taku N, Bernstein MB, Cabanillas ME, Amini B, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Wang XA, Briere TM, Yeboa DN, Bishop AJ, Li J, Ghia AJ. Spine stereotactic radiosurgery for metastatic thyroid cancer: a single-institution experience. J Neurosurg Spine:1-9. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32059183.
- de Almeida Bastos DC, Everson RG, de Oliveira Santos BF, Habib A, Vega RA, Oro M, Rao G, Li J, Ghia AJ, Bishop AJ, Yeboa DN, Amini B, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE. A comparison of spinal laser interstitial thermotherapy with open surgery for metastatic thoracic epidural spinal cord compression. J Neurosurg Spine:1-9. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 31899882.
- Maldaun M, Prabhu S, Tatsui C, Souhami L. Editorial: The Role of Modern Neuro-oncology in the Treatment of Primary CNS Tumors, and Brain and Spinal Metastases. Front Oncol 10:759, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32582533.
- Hadzipasic M, Giantini-Larsen AM, Tatsui CE, Shin JH. Emerging Percutaneous Ablative and Radiosurgical Techniques for Treatment of Spinal Metastases. Neurosurg Clin N Am 31(1):141-150, 2020. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 31739924.
- Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Solano-Noguera DF, Row W, Weinberg J, Tatsui CE, Johnson JM, Gule-Monroe MK. Dual Time-Point 18F-FDG PET/CT in Spinal Sarcoidosis: A Single Institution Case Series. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 44(21):E1248-E1255, 2019. PMID: 31634300.
- Ning MS, Deegan BJ, Ho JC, Chapman BV, Bishop AJ, Allen PK, Tannir NM, Amini B, Briere TM, Wang XA, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Brown PD, Li J, Ghia AJ. Low incidence of late failure and toxicity after spine stereotactic radiosurgery: Secondary analysis of phase I/II trials with long-term follow-up. Radiother Oncol 138:80-85, 2019. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 31252298.
- Vega RA, Traylor JI, Habib A, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE, Rao G. Minimally Invasive Separation Surgery for Metastases in the Vertebral Column: A Technical Report. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). e-Pub 2019. PMID: 31529099.
- North RY, Li Y, Ray P, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE, Rao G, Johansson CA, Zhang H, Kim YH, Zhang B, Dussor G, Kim TH, Price TJ, Dougherty PM. Electrophysiological and transcriptomic correlates of neuropathic pain in human dorsal root ganglion neurons. Brain 142(5):1215-1226, 2019. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 30887021.
- Yeboa DN, Liao KP, Guadagnolo BA, Rao G, Bishop A, Chung C, Li J, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Ferguson S, Paulino AC, Ghia AJ. National Patterns of Care in the Management of WHO Grade II and III Spinal Ependymomas. World Neurosurg. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 30641236.
- Zuckerman SL, Amini B, Lee SH, Rao G, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD. Predictive Value of Preoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings for Survival and Local Recurrence in Patients Undergoing En Bloc Resection of Sacral Chordomas. Neurosurgery. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 30541143.
- Grasu RM, Cata JP, Dang AQ, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Hagan KB, Bhavsar S, Raty SR, Arunkumar R, Potylchansky Y, Lipski I, Arnold BA, McHugh TM, Bird JE, Rodriguez-Restrepo A, Hernandez M, Popat KU. Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Spine Surgery program at a large cancer center: a preliminary analysis. J Neurosurg Spine 29(5):588-598, 2018. PMID: 30117797.
- Farooqi A, Bishop AJ, Narang S, Allen PK, Li J, McAleer MF, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Amini B, Wang XA, Ghia AJ. Outcomes After Hypofractionated Dose-Escalation using a Simultaneous Integrated Boost Technique for Treatment of Spine Metastases Not Amenable to Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Pract Radiat Oncol. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 30385151.
- Ghia AJ, Guha-Thakurta N, Hess K, Yang JN, Settle SH, Sharpe HJ, Li J, McAleer M, Chang EL, Tatsui CE, Brown PD, Rhines LD. Phase 1 study of spinal cord constraint relaxation with single session spine stereotactic radiosurgery in the primary management of patients with inoperable, previously unirradiated metastatic epidural spinal cord compression. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 30099131.
- Barnett GH, Sloan AE, Tatsui CE. Introduction to Laser Ablation Video Supplement. Neurosurg Focus 44(VideoSuppl2):Intro, 2018. PMID: 29570387.
- Moussazadeh N, Evans LT, Grasu R, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE. Laser interstitial thermal therapy of the spine: technical aspects. Neurosurg Focus 44(VideoSuppl2):V3, 2018. PMID: 29570390.
- Jimenez-Ruiz F, Arnold B, Tatsui CE, Cata JP. Perioperative and Anesthetic Considerations for Neurosurgical Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy Ablations. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 30(1):10-17, 2018. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 28009635.
- Zuckerman SL, Rao G, Rhines LD, McCutcheon IE, Everson RG, Tatsui CE. Interbody distraction and vertebral body reconstruction with polymethylmethacrylate for the treatment of pathological fractures. J Neurosurg Spine 27(6):700-708, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28984511.
- Bernard V, Bishop AJ, Allen PK, Amini B, Wang XA, Li J, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Brown PD, Ghia AJ. Heterogeneity in Treatment Response of Spine Metastases to Spine Stereotactic Radiosurgery Within "Radiosensitive" Subtypes. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 99(5):1207-1215, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 29029886.
- Thomas JG, Al-Holou WN, de Almeida Bastos DC, Ghia AJ, Li J, Bishop AJ, Amini B, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE. A Novel Use of the Intraoperative MRI for Metastatic Spine Tumors: Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Percutaneous Treatment of Epidural Metastatic Spine Disease. Neurosurg Clin N Am 28(4):513-524, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28917280.
- Bishop AJ, Tao R, Guadagnolo BA, Allen PK, Rebueno NC, Wang XA, Amini B, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Li J, Chang EL, Brown PD, Ghia AJ. Spine stereotactic radiosurgery for metastatic sarcoma: patterns of failure and radiation treatment volume considerations. J Neurosurg Spine 27(3):1-9, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28644075.
- Mahajan A, Ahmed S, McAleer MF, Weinberg JS, Li J, Brown P, Settle S, Prabhu SS, Lang FF, Levine N, McGovern S, Sulman E, McCutcheon IE, Azeem S, Cahill D, Tatsui C, Heimberger AB, Ferguson S, Ghia A, Demonte F, Raza S, Guha-Thakurta N, Yang J, Sawaya R, Hess KR, Rao G. Post-operative stereotactic radiosurgery versus observation for completely resected brain metastases: a single-centre, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 18(8):1040-1048, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28687375.
- Williams BJ, Karas PJ, Rao G, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE. Laser interstitial thermal therapy for palliative ablation of a chordoma metastasis to the spine: case report. J Neurosurg Spine 26(6):1-3, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28362211.
- Tatsui CE, Nascimento CNG, Suki D, Amini B, Li J, Ghia AJ, Thomas JG, Stafford RJ, Rhines LD, Cata JP, Kumar AJ, Rao G. Image guidance based on MRI for spinal interstitial laser thermotherapy: technical aspects and accuracy. J Neurosurg Spine 26(5):605-612, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28186470.
- Li Y, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, North RY, Harrison DS, Cassidy RM, Johansson CA, Kosturakis AK, Edwards DD, Zhang H, Dougherty PM. Dorsal root ganglion neurons become hyperexcitable and increase expression of voltage-gated T-type calcium channels (Cav3.2) in paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy. Pain 158(3):417-429, 2017. PMID: 27902567.
- Tatsui CE, Lee SH, Amini B, Rao G, Suki D, Oro M, Brown PD, Ghia AJ, Bhavsar S, Popat K, Rhines LD, Stafford RJ, Li J. Spinal Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy: A Novel Alternative to Surgery for Metastatic Epidural Spinal Cord Compression. Neurosurgery 79 Suppl 1:S73-S82, 2016. PMID: 27861327.
- Tatsui CE, Belsuzarri TA, Oro M, Rhines LD, Li J, Ghia AJ, Amini B, Espinoza H, Brown PD, Rao G. Percutaneous surgery for treatment of epidural spinal cord compression and spinal instability: technical note. Neurosurg Focus 41(4):E2, 2016. PMID: 27690655.
- Tao R, Bishop AJ, Brownlee Z, Allen PK, Settle SH, Chang EL, Wang X, Amini B, Tannir NM, Tatsui C, Rhines LD, Brown PD, Ghia AJ. Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Spinal Metastases in the Postoperative Setting: A Secondary Analysis of Mature Phase 1-2 Trials. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 95(5):1405-13, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27209509.
- Ho JC, Tang C, Deegan BJ, Allen PK, Jonasch E, Amini B, Wang XA, Li J, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Brown PD, Ghia AJ. The use of spine stereotactic radiosurgery for oligometastatic disease. J Neurosurg Spine 25(2):1-9, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27035507.
- Bernstein MB, Chang EL, Amini B, Pan H, Cabanillas M, Wang XA, Allen PK, Rhines LD, Tatsui C, Li J, Brown PD, Ghia AJ. SPINE STEREOTACTIC RADIOSURGERY FOR PATIENTS WITH METASTATIC THYROID CANCER - Secondary analysis of Phase I/II trials. Thyroid. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27334245.
- Ghia AJ, Rebueno NC, Li J, Brown PD, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE. The use of image guided laser interstitial thermotherapy to supplement spine stereotactic radiosurgery to manage metastatic epidural spinal cord compression: Proof of concept and dosimetric analysis. Pract Radiat Oncol 6(2):e35-8, 2016. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 26577007.
- Amini B, Beaman CB, Madewell JE, Allen PK, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE, Tannir NM, Li J, Brown PD, Ghia AJ. Osseous Pseudoprogression in Vertebral Bodies Treated with Stereotactic Radiosurgery: A Secondary Analysis of Prospective Phase I/II Clinical Trials. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 37(2):387-92, 2016. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 26494690.
- Lee SH, Tatsui CE, Ghia AJ, Amini B, Li J, Zavarella SM, Tannir NM, Brown PD, Rhines LD. Can the spinal instability neoplastic score prior to spinal radiosurgery predict compression fractures following stereotactic spinal radiosurgery for metastatic spinal tumor?: a post hoc analysis of prospective phase II single-institution trials. J Neurooncol 126(3):509-17, 2016. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 26643804.
- Ghia AJ, Chang EL, Bishop AJ, Pan HY, Boehling NS, Amini B, Allen PK, Li J, Rhines LD, Tannir NM, Tatsui CE, Brown PD, Yang JN. Single-fraction versus multifraction spinal stereotactic radiosurgery for spinal metastases from renal cell carcinoma: secondary analysis of Phase I/II trials. J Neurosurg Spine:1-8. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 26799117.
- Tatsui CE, Stafford RJ, Li J, Sellin JN, Amini B, Rao G, Suki D, Ghia AJ, Brown P, Lee SH, Cowles CE, Weinberg JS, Rhines LD. Utilization of laser interstitial thermotherapy guided by real-time thermal MRI as an alternative to separation surgery in the management of spinal metastasis. J Neurosurg Spine 23(4):1-12, 2015. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 26140398.
- Sellin JN, Suki D, Harsh V, Elder BD, Fahim DK, McCutcheon IE, Rao G, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE. Factors affecting survival in 43 consecutive patients after surgery for spinal metastases from thyroid carcinoma. J Neurosurg Spine 23(4):1-10, 2015. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 26140400.
- Sellin JN, Gressot LV, Suki D, St Clair EG, Chern J, Rhines LD, McCutcheon IE, Rao G, Tatsui CE. Prognostic Factors Influencing the Outcome of 64 Consecutive Patients Undergoing Surgery for Metastatic Melanoma of the Spine. Neurosurgery 77(3):386-93; discussion 393, 2015. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 25933368.
- Li Y, Adamek P, Zhang H, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Mrozkova P, Li Q, Kosturakis AK, Cassidy RM, Harrison DS, Cata JP, Sapire K, Zhang H, Kennamer-Chapman RM, Jawad AB, Ghetti A, Yan J, Palecek J, Dougherty PM. The Cancer Chemotherapeutic Paclitaxel Increases Human and Rodent Sensory Neuron Responses to TRPV1 by Activation of TLR4. J Neurosci 35(39):13487-500, 2015. PMID: 26424893.
- Bishop AJ, Tao R, Rebueno NC, Christensen EN, Allen PK, Wang XA, Amini B, Tannir NM, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Li J, Chang EL, Brown PD, Ghia AJ. Outcomes for Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy and an Analysis of Predictors of Local Recurrence. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 92(5):1016-26, 2015. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 26025777.
- Lan ZD, Tatsui CE, Jalali A, Humphries WE, Rilea K, Patel A, Ehni BL. Outcomes of a novel minimalist approach for the treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome. J Clin Neurosci 22(6):964-8, 2015. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 25800940.
- Sellin JN, Reichardt W, Bishop AJ, Suki D, Rhines LD, Settle SH, Brown PD, Li J, Rao G, Chang EL, Tatsui CE. Factors affecting survival in 37 consecutive patients undergoing de novo stereotactic radiosurgery for contiguous sites of vertebral body metastasis from renal cell carcinoma. J Neurosurg Spine 22(1):1-8, 2015. e-Pub 2014. PMID: 25360530.
- Pan HY, Allen PK, Wang XS, Chang EL, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE, Amini B, Wang XA, Tannir NM, Brown PD, Ghia AJ. Incidence and Predictive Factors of Pain Flare After Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Secondary Analysis of Phase 1/2 Trials. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 90(4):870-6, 2014. e-Pub 2014. PMID: 25227497.
- Fahim DK, Tatsui CE, Suki D, Gumin J, Lang FF, Rhines LD. Orthotopic murine model of a primary malignant bone tumor in the spine: functional, bioluminescence, and histological correlations. J Neurosurg Spine 21(3):1-8, 2014. e-Pub 2014. PMID: 24971476.
- Tsai CJ, Wang Y, Allen PK, Mahajan A, McCutcheon IE, Rao G, Rhines LD, Tatsui CE, Armstrong TS, Maor MH, Chang EL, Brown PD, Li J. Outcomes After Surgery and Radiotherapy for Spinal Myxopapillary Ependymoma: Update of the MD Anderson Cancer Center Experience. Neurosurgery 75(3):205-14; discussion 213-4, 2014. e-Pub 2014. PMID: 24818785.
- Tatsui CE, Suki D, Rao G, Kim SS, Salaskar A, Hatiboglu MA, Gokaslan ZL, McCutcheon IE, Rhines LD. Factors affecting survival in 267 consecutive patients undergoing surgery for spinal metastasis from renal cell carcinoma. J Neurosurg Spine 20(1):108-16, 2014. e-Pub 2013. PMID: 24206037.
- Kamiya-Matsuoka C, Shroff S, Tatsui CE, Tremont-Lukats IW, Gilbert MR. Sinking skin flap syndrome in glioblastoma. BMJ Case Rep 2014, 2014. e-Pub 2014. PMID: 25398923.
- Patel AJ, Sellin J, Ehni BL, Tatsui CE. Spontaneous resolution of spinal epidural lipomatosis. J Clin Neurosci 20(11):1595-7, 2013. e-Pub 2013. PMID: 23726369.
- Sahni D, Jea A, Mata JA, Marcano DC, Sivaganesan A, Berlin JM, Tatsui CE, Sun Z, Luerssen TG, Meng S, Kent TA, Tour JM. Biocompatibility of Pristine Graphene for Neuronal Interface. J Neurosurg Pediatr 11(5):575-83, 2013. e-Pub 2013. PMID: 23473006.
- Gressot LV, Hassaneen W, Fox BD, Mitchell BD, Tatsui CE, Ehni BL, Omeis I. Surgical treatment for combined hemifacial spasm and atypical trigeminal neuralgia caused by a tortuous basilar artery. Case report and review of the literature. J Neurosurg Sci 56(2):151-4, 2012. PMID: 22617178.
- Fox BD, Mitchell BD, Patel AJ, Relyea K, Gopinath SP, Tatsui C, Ehni BL. Vacuum-assisted en bloc resection of large convexity meningiomas. Technical note. J Neurosurg 114(3):727-30, 2011. e-Pub 2010. PMID: 20672892.
- Smitherman SM, Tatsui CE, Rao G, Walsh G, Rhines LD. Image-guided multilevel vertebral osteotomies for en bloc resection of giant cell tumor of the thoracic spine: case report and description of operative technique. Eur Spine J 19(6):1021-8, 2010. e-Pub 2010. PMID: 20069317.
- Tatsui CE, Lang FF, Gumin J, Suki D, Shinojima N, Rhines LD. An orthotopic murine model of human spinal metastasis: histological and functional correlations. J Neurosurg Spine 10(6):501-12, 2009. PMID: 19558282.
- Tatsui CE, Rao G, Rhines LD. Radiotherapy for a destructive cervicothoracic lesion from multiple myeloma. Case illustration. J Neurosurg Spine 6(5):493, 2007. PMID: 17542520.
- Jea A, Tatsui C, Farhat H, Vanni S, Levi AD. Vertically unstable type III odontoid fractures: case report. Neurosurgery 58(4):E797; discussion E797, 2006. PMID: 16575303.
- Tatsui CE, Martinez G, Li X, Pattany P, Levi AD. Evaluation of DuraGen in preventing peridural fibrosis in rabbits. Invited submission from the Joint Section Meeting on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves, March 2005. J Neurosurg Spine 4(1):51-9, 2006. PMID: 16506466.
- Prevedello DM, Tatsui CE, Koerbel A, Grande CV, Cordeiro JG, Araújo JC. Ventral extradural spinal meningeal cyst causing cord compression: neurosurgical treatment. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 63(3B):855-8, 2005. e-Pub 2005. PMID: 16258670.
- Tatsui CE, Prevedello DM, Koerbel A, Cordeiro JG, Ditzel LF, Araujo JC. Raeder's syndrome after embolization of a giant intracavernous carotid artery aneurysm: pathophysiological considerations. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 63(3A):676-80, 2005. e-Pub 2005. PMID: 16172723.
- Koerbel A, Prevedello DM, Tatsui CE, Pellegrino LN, Pellegrino L, Hanel RA, Bleggi-Torres LF, Araújo JC. Posterior fossa gangliocytoma with facial nerve invasion: case report. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 61(2A):274-6, 2003. e-Pub 2003. PMID: 12806511.
- Prevedello DM, Koerbel A, Tatsui CE, Truite L, Grande CV, Ditzel LF, Araújo JC. [Prognostic factors in the treatment of the intradural extramedullary tumors: a study of 44 cases]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 61(2A):241-7, 2003. e-Pub 2003. PMID: 12806503.
- Pope LZ, Tatsui CE, Moro MS, Neto AC, Bleggi-Torres LF. Meningioma with extensive noncalcifying collagenous whorls and glial fibrillary acidic protein expression: new variant of meningioma diagnosed by smear preparation. Diagn Cytopathol 28(5):274-7, 2003. PMID: 12722124.
- Tatsui CE, Koerbel A, Prevedello DM, Hanel RA, Grande CV, Moro MS, Araújo JC. [Magnetic resonance imaging of the intraventricular cavernomas: diagnostic aspects]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 61(1):79-82, 2003. e-Pub 2003. PMID: 12715024.
- Tatsui CE, Koerbel A, Prevedello DM, Araújo JC, Ditzel LF, Bleggi-Torres LF. [Central nervous system granulocytic sarcoma after bone marrow transplant: case report]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 60(3-B):852-5, 2002. PMID: 12364961.
- Koerbel A, Tatsui CE, Prevedello DM, Hanel RA, Grande CV, Ditzel LF, Araujo JC, Antoniuk A. [Prognostic factors in the treatment of intramedullary spinal cord tumors]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 60(3-B):818-22, 2002. PMID: 12364954.
- Kowacs PA, Piovesan EJ, Tatsui CE, Lange MC, Werneck LC, Vincent M. Symptomatic trigeminal-autonomic cephalalgia evolving to trigeminal neuralgia: report of a case associated with dual pathology. Cephalalgia 21(9):917-20, 2001. PMID: 11903287.
- Kowacs PA, Piovesan EJ, Lange MC, Werneck LC, Tatsui CE, Ribas LC, Scapucin L, Marques LE, Moreira AT. Prevalence and clinical features of migraine in a population of visually impaired subjects in Curitiba, Brazil. Cephalalgia 21(9):900-5, 2001. PMID: 11903284.
- Hanel RA, Tatsui CE, Araujo JC, Grande CV, Antoniuk A, Gasparetto EL, Torres LF. [Meningiomas in pediatric patients: report of 2 cases]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 59(3-A):623-7, 2001. PMID: 11588650.
- Piovesan EJ, Werneck LC, Kowacs PA, Tatsui CE, Lange MC, Vincent M. [Anesthetic blockade of the greater occipital nerve in migraine prophylaxis]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 59(3-A):545-51, 2001. PMID: 11588633.
- Kowacs PA, Piovesan EJ, Werneck LC, Tatsui CE, Lange MC, Ribas LC, da Silva HP. Influence of intense light stimulation on trigeminal and cervical pain perception thresholds. Cephalalgia 21(3):184-8, 2001. PMID: 11442552.
- Piovesan EJ, Kowacs PA, Tatsui CE, Lange MC, Ribas LC, Werneck LC. Referred pain after painful stimulation of the greater occipital nerve in humans: evidence of convergence of cervical afferences on trigeminal nuclei. Cephalalgia 21(2):107-9, 2001. PMID: 11422092.
- Piovesan EJ, Tatsui CE, Kowacs PA, Lange MC, Pacheco C, Werneck LC. [Using algometry of pressure measuring the threshold of trigeminal pain perception in normal volunteers: a new protocol of studies]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 59(1):92-6, 2001. PMID: 11299439.
- Piovesan EJ, Tatsui CE, Kowacs PA, Prazeres RF, Lange MC, Antoniuk SA, Werneck LC. [Lipoma of the corpus callosum associated with the hypertrophy of the corpus callosum: case report]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 58(3B):947-51, 2000. PMID: 11018839.
- Piovesan EJ, Lange MC, Teive HA, Tatsui CE, Kowacs PA, Piovesan LM, Werneck LC. [Change in the biological pattern of migraine with aura after the use of tetrabenazine: case report]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 58(2B):566-71, 2000. PMID: 10920424.
- Piovesan EJ, Kowacs PA, Lange MC, Tatsui CE, Werneck LC. [Can the biologic pattern of cervicogenic headache change after overuse or withdrawal of ergotamine derivatives?]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 58(2A):336-41, 2000. PMID: 10849637.
- Kowacs PA, Piovesan EJ, Tatsui CE, Lange MC, Ribas LC, Werneck LC. Prolonged migraine aura without headache arrested by sumatriptan. A case report with further considerations. Cephalalgia 19(4):241-2, 1999. PMID: 10376169.
- Piovesan EJ, Werneck LC, Kowacs PA, Tatsui C, Lange MC, Carraro Júnior H, Wittig EO. [Greater occipital neuralgia associated with occipital osteolytic lesion. Case report]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 57(1):114-9, 1999. PMID: 10347737.
- Piovesan EJ, Werneck LC, Tatsui CE, Lange MC, Ribas LC, Kowacs PA. The accuracy of migraine diagnosis by physicians - a prospective study of 99 referred cases. Revista Medica do Parana 56:1-8, 1998.
- Meneses MS, Tatsui CE, Cunha DR, Ramina R, Pedrozo AA, Pacheco RB. Surgical anatomy of the transoral approach. (Brazilian Archives of Neurosurgery) Arquivos Brasileiros de Neurocirurgia 16(1):14-18, 1997.
- Jakowski AP, Meneses MS, Tatsui CE, Narata A, Floriani A. Contribution to the anatomic study of the middle cerebral artery. Neurobiologia 59(2):61-68, 1996.
- Bilsky M, Laufer I. Laser interstitial thermotherapy for epidural tumor decompression: is there a role?. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 2015.
- Tatsui CE, Stafford JR, Li J, Rao G, Sellin J, Rhines LD. MR-guided Laser Interstitial Thermotherapy in the Management of High Grade Malignant Spinal Cord Compression. Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, 2015.
- Tatsui CE, Stafford JR, Li J, Rao G, Sellin J, Rhines LD. Percutaneous MR-guided laser interstitial thermotherapy in the management of high grade malignant spinal cord compression. 12th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 2015.
- Tatsui CE. Laser Ablation as an Alternative to Separation Surgery in the Management of the Spinal Metastases. 16th Annual Brain Tumor Update & 5th Annual International Symposium on Long-Term Control of Metastases to the Brain & Spine, Las Vegas, NV, 2014.
- Tatsui CE, Stafford JR, Li J, Ganesh R, Sellin J, Rhines LD. MR-guided Laser Interstitial Thermotherapy in the Management of High Grade Malignant Spinal Cord Compression. Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2014 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2014.
- Jalali A, Ricks CB, Reddy G, Ehni BL, Tatsui CE. Posterior Non-Instrumented Decompression for Extreme Multilevel Cervical Stenosis. Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2012 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2012.
- Fahim DK, Mayer R, Tatsui C, Suki D, McCutcheon I, Gokaslan Z, Rhines LD. Longterm Durability of 634 Polypolymethylmethacrylate Vertebral Body Reconstructions After Vertebrectomy in 581 Consecutive Cancer Patients. American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Miami Beach, FL, 2012.
- Mayor R, Rao V, Tatsui C, Ehni B. Transpedicular Decompression for Lumbar Foraminal Stenosis. American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Miami Beach, FL, 2012.
- Fahim DK, Mayer R, Tatsui C, Suki D, McCutcheon IE, Gokaslan ZL, Rhines LD. Longterm Durability of 634 Polymethylmethacrylate Vertebral Body Reconstructions after Vertebrectomy in 581 Consecutive Cancer Patients. European Association of Neurosurgical Societies 2011 Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy, 2011.
- Sivaganesan A, Sahni D, Jea A, Tatsui CE. Spinal Cord Regeneration: Are Carbon Nanotubes Used as Scaffolds for Axonal Growth Biocompatible?. Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2010 Annual Meeting, 2010.
- Tatsui CE, Chern J, St. Clair EG, McCutcheon IE, Rhines LD. Prognostic Factors Influencing the Outcome of 55 Consecutive Patients Undergoing Surgery for Metastatic Melanoma of the Spine. Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2009 Annual Meeting, 2009.
- Pimenta L, Diaz RC, Guerrero LE, Tatsui CE. Complications and Retrieval Management of the Charité Lumbar Artificial Disk: A Prospective 3 Year Experience with 250 Disks. 22nd Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves, Orlando, FL, 2006.
- Luiz P, Diaz RC, Tatsui C, Guerrero LE, Cragg A. 360 Degrees Minimal Invasive Axial Percutaneous L5-S1 Fusion (Axialif). 2 Years Clinical and Radiological Follow-Up. 22nd Annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves, Orlando, FL, 2006.
- Luiz P, McAfee P, Diaz R, Capuccino A, Tatsui C, Guerro LE, Cunningham B, Crockard A. Total Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement with the PCM (Porous Coated Motion) Disk Prospective 3 Years Follow Up Clinical and Radiological Study, 230 Discs Performed. 22nd annual Meeting of the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves, 2006.
Book Chapters
- Meleis AM, Larkin MB, Tatsui CE. In: Astrocytoma. In: Tumors of the Spinal Canal, 2021.
- Vega RA, Bastos DCA, Tatsui CE. In: LITT for spine tumors. In: Laser Interstitial Thermotherapy in Neurosurgery, 2020.
- Alvarez-Breckenridge C, LoPresti M, Tatsui CE. In: Updates on laser interstitial therapy for metastatic tumors of the spine. In: Image-Guided Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery: A Practical Approach to Guide Treatment of Brain and Spine Tumors, 2020.
- Ferguson SD, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD. Surgical Management of Spinal Sarcoma. In: Sarcoma Oncology: A Multidisciplinary Approach. People's Medical Publishing House: North Carolina, 2019.
- Sellin JN, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD. Asessment and Treatment of Benign Tumors Intramedullary Tumors. In: Youmans and Winn Neurological Surgery. 7. Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2428-2434, 2017.
- Sellin JN, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD. Primary and Metastatic Bone Lesions. In: Benzel's Spine Surgery. 4. Elsevier: Philadelphia, 937-952, 2017.
- Thomas JG, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD. Surgical Management of the Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas of the Thoracic Spine. In: Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base and Spine. Second. Elsevier Science, 2017.
- Brian J Williams, Claudio E Tatsui, Laurence D. Rhines. Surgical treatment of Sacral Chordoma. In: Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base and Spine. Second. Elsevier Science, 325-332, 2017.
- Savatore M. Zavarella, Claudio E Tatsui, Sun-Ho Lee, Laurence D Rhines. Preoperative Planning, Staging, Oncological Approaches, and Outcomes for Primary Spine Tumors. In: Benzel's Spine Surgery. 4. Elsevier Science: Philadelphia, 975, 2017.
- Cachia D, Tatsui CE, Gilbert MR. Spinal Tumors. In: Merritt's Neurology. 13. Wolters Kluwer: New York, 896-906, 2016.
- Li YM, Dirks MS, Tatsui CE, Rhines LD. Evaluation and Decision Making for Metastatic Spine Tumors. In: AOSpine Masters Series Volume 1: Metastatic Spinal Tumors. Thieme Publishers: New York, 2015.
- Tatsui CE, Rhines LD, Walsh GL. Thoracic En Bloc Spondylectomy. In: Master Techniques in Surgery:Thoracic Surgery: Lung Resections, Bronchoplasty. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia, PA, 2014.
Grant & Contract Support
Title: | Tumor Treating Fields in the Therapy of Spinal Metastases |
Funding Source: | American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) |
Role: | Principal Investigator |
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified July 16, 2024