Cristina Gutierrez, M.D.
Department of Critical Care Medicine, Division of Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, and Pain Medicine
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Associate Professor, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Division of Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine and Pain Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
2003 | Universidad de La Sabana, Bogota, COL, MD, Medicine |
Postgraduate Training
2009-2011 | Clinical Fellowship, Critical Care Medicine (Chief Fellow), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY |
2006-2009 | Clinical Residency, Internal Medicine, Lincoln Medical & Mental Health Center, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY |
2003-2006 | Post-Doctoral Fellow, Neuro-Immunology, Center for Neurologic Diseases, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA |
Board Certifications
2013 | United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties, Neuro-Critical Care |
2011 | American Board of Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine |
2009 | American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine |
Experience & Service
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor, Department of Critical Care and Respiratory Care, Division of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2015 - 2019
Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, New York Hospital Queens, New York-Presbyterian Queens Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, 2011 - 2014
Post- Doctoral Fellow, Department of Neuro-Immunology, Center for Neurologic Diseases, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 2003 - 2006
Administrative Appointments/Responsibilities
Delegate Reviewer Clinical Research Committee (CRC), The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2017 - Present
Critical Care Representative and Consultant, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2015 - 2020
Committee Chair, Critical Care Research Committee, Department of Critical Care and Respiratory Care, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2015 - Present
Member of ICU Operations Committee, Department of Critical Care and Respiratory Care, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2015 - Present
Residency Program Associate Director, Department of Internal Medicine, New York Hospital Queens, New York-Presbyterian Queens Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, 2012 - 2014
Director of Simulation Training, Department of Internal Medicine, New York Hospital Queens, New York-Presbyterian Queens Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, 2011 - 2014
Institutional Committee Activities
Member, Academic Review Committee for the Division of Education and Training, , The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2020 - Present
Critical Care Representative, Credentials Committee of the Medical Staff, , The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2018 - Present
Critical Care Representative, CARTOX Cell Therapy Committee, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2016 - Present
Member, Pulmonary Embolism Response Team, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2016 - Present
Critical Care Representative, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2015 - Present
Critical Care Representative, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, New York Hospital Queens, New York-Presbyterian Queens Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, 2012 - 2014
Critical Care Representative, Supplies and Medical Equipment Committee, New York Hospital Queens, New York-Presbyterian Queens Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, 2012 - 2014
Honors & Awards
2019 | Excellence in Service Award for Research and Quality Improvement, SCCM Texas Chapter |
2018 | Waun Ki Hong Award for Excellence in Team Science, 13th Annual Division of Cancer Medicine Faculty Recognition & Awards Program, MD Anderson Cancer Center |
2012 | Teacher of the Year Award, New York Hospital Queens, New York-Presbyterian Queens Weill Cornell Medicine |
Professional Memberships
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Warren ML, Schneider VV, Qing Y, Feng L, Campbell JY, Myers JW, Von-Maszewski M, Gutierrez C,. Short and Long Term Outcomes of Hematological Malignancy Patients after CPR: Experience of a Large Oncological Center. J Adv Pract Oncol 12(7):705-714, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34671500.
- Brown ART, Jindani I, Melancon J, Erfe R, Westin J, Feng L, Gutierrez C,. ICU Resource Utilization in Critically Ill Patients Following Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 202(8):1184-1185, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32530704.
- Gutierrez C, Brown ART, Herr MM, Kadri SS, Hill B, Rajendram P, Duggal A, Turtle CJ, Patel K, Lin Y, May HP, Gallo de Moraes A, Maus MV, Frigault MJ, Brudno JN, Athale J, Shah NN, Kochenderfer JN, Dharshan A, Beitinjaneh A, Arias AS, McEvoy C, Mead E, Stephens RS, Nates JL, Neelapu SS, Pastores SM. The Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Intensive Care Unit (CAR-ICU) Initiative: Surveying Intensive Care Unit Practices in the Management of CAR T-Cell Associated Toxicities. J Crit Care 58:58-64, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32361219.
- Giza DE, Graham J, Donisan T, Balanescu DV, Crommet J, Botz G, Gutierrez C, Vidal M, Mejia R, Iliescu C. Impact of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on Survival in Cancer Patients: Do-Not-Resuscitate before or after CPR?. JACC: CardioOncology 2(2):359-362, 2020.
- Malek AE, Gutierrez C, Mulanovich VE, Botdorf J, Chemaly RF, Shah S, McCall BM, Melancon JT, McConn KK, Borjan J, Raad II, Burger JA, Garcia-Manero G, Adachi JA. Successful Outcomes of Severe COVID-19 in Patient with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Diagnostic Challenges in Immunocompromised Hosts. Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 12(1):e2020044, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32670522.
- Gutierrez C, Cárdenas YR, Bratcher K, Melancon J, Myers J, Campbell JY, Feng L, Price KJ, Nates JL. Out-of-Hospital ICU Transfers to an Oncological Referral Center: Characteristics, Resource Utilization and Patient Outcomes. J Intensive Care Med 34(1):55-61, 2019. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 28030995.
- Gutierrez C, Chen M, Feng L, Tummala S. Non-Convulsive Seizures in the Encephalopathic Critically Ill Cancer Patient Does Not Necessarily Portend a Poor Prognosis. J Intensive Care 7(62):62, 2019. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 31890224.
- Gutierrez C, McEvoy C, Mead E, Stephens RS, Munshi L, Detsky ME, Pastores SM, Nates JL. Management of the Critically Ill Adult Chimeric Antigen Receptor-T Cell Therapy Patient: A Critical Care Perspective. Crit Care Med 46(9):1402-1410, 2018. PMID: 29939878.
- Laserna A, Tummala S, Patel N, El Hamouda DEM, Gutierrez C,. Atezolizumab-related encephalitis in the intensive care unit: Case report and review of the literature 6, 2018. PMID: 30116528.
- Neelapu SS, Tummala S, Kebriaei P, Wierda W, | Gutierrez C, Locke FL, et.al. Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy Assessment and Management of Toxicities. Nat Rev Clin Oncology 15(1):47-62, 2018. PMID: 28925994.
- Gutierrez C, Kebriaei P, Turner KA, Yemelyanova A, Ariza-Heredia EJ, Foo WC. A Unique Presentation of Acute Liver Failure from Herpes Simplex virus hepatitis. Transpl Infect Dis 18(4):592-4, 2016. PMID: 27222930.
- Wong J, Gutierrez C, Shannon VR, Eapen GA, Faiz SA. Bronchomediastinal Fistula after Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 194(1):114-5, 2016. PMID: 27088849.
- Gutierrez C, Pravinkumar E, Balachandran D, Schneider V. Fatal Hemorrhagic Pneumonia: Don't forget Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia. Respir Med Case Rep 19:12-4, 2016. PMID: 27358764.
- Cata JP, Gutierrez C, Mehran RJ, Rice D, Nates J, Feng L, Rodriguez-Restrepo A, Martinez, F, Mena G, Gottumukkala V. Preoperative Anemia, Blood Transfusion, and Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Patients with Stage I Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer. Cancer Cell Microen. Cancer Cell Microen 3(1):1116, 2016. PMID: 26949721.
- Pan CX, Gutierrez C, Maw MM, Kansler AL, Gross L, He J, Kanta R, Paul S. Impact of a Palliative Care Program on Tracheostomy Utilization in a Community Hospital. J Palliat Med 18(12):1070-3, 2015. PMID: 26584021.
- Avezbadalov A, Gutierrez C. Systemic to pulmonary venous shunt in a patient with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Respir Med Case Rep 15:9-11, 2015. PMID: 4501459.
- Gutierrez C, Hsu W, Ouyang Q, Yao H, Pollack S, Pan CX. Palliative Care Intervention in the Intensive Care Unit: Comparing Outcomes among Seriously Ill Caucasian and Asian Population. J Palliat Care 30(3):151-7, 2014. PMID: 25265738.
- Chai E, Choi E, Gutierrez C, Hochman M, Johnkutty S. Botulism Associated with Home-Fermented Tofu in Two Chinese Immigrants - New York City, March-April 2012. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 62(26):529-32, 2013. PMID: 23820965.
- Xiao S, Najafian N, Reddy J, Albin M, Zhu C, Jensen E, Imitola J, Korn T, Anderson AC, Zhang Z, Gutierrez C. Differential Engagement of Tim-1 during Activation Can Positively or Negatively Costimulate T cell Expansion and Effector Function. J Exp Med 204(7):702-1691, 2007. PMID: 17606630.
Invited Articles
- Gutierrez C, McEvoy C, Munshi L, Stephens RS, Detsky ME, Nates JL, Pastores SM. Critical Care Management of Toxicities Associated with Targeted Agents and Immunotherapies for Cancer. Crit Care Med 48(1):10-21, 2020. PMID: 31725440.
Other Articles
- Gutierrez C The author replies: A Growing Problem of Critical Illness 46(11):1087, 2018.
- Pustavoitau A, Blaivas M, Brown S.M, Gutierrez C, Kirkpatrick AW, Kohl B.A, Oren-Grinberg A, Frankel HL Recommendations for Achieving and Maintaining Competence and Credentialing in Critical Care Ultrasound with Focused Cardiac Ultrasound and Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography From the Ultrasound Certification Task Force on behalf of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2015.
- Gutierrez C, Lopez CA, Mohan V Diagnosis of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 in a Patient with Back Pain: Case Report and Review of Literature. The Internet Journal of Internal Medicine 8(1), 2009.
- Brown, AR, Jindani I, Melancon H, Feng L, Gutierrez C. Resource Utilization of Critically Ill Patients Following Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy. SCCM 49th Critical Care Congress. Orlando, FL, 2020.
- Urso C, Gutierrez C, Agnite A, Laserna A, Jawe N, Layton L, Nates J. Catering a Burnout-Prevention Program to Your Employees: Analysis of a Needs Assessment Survey. ONCCRNET: 2nd International Symposium of Critical Care in Cancer Patients. Houston, TX, 2019.
- Laserna A, Tummala S, Chen M, Gutierrez C. Significance of Slowing During Bedside Electroencephalography of Critically Ill Cancer Patients. SCCM 48th Critical Care Congress. San Diego, CA, 2019.
- Gutierrez C Chen M, Feng L, Wang Y, Tummala S. Encephalopathy in the Critically Ill Cancer Patient: The Seizure Paradox. SCCM 47th Critical Care Congress, San Antonio, Texas, 2018.
- Myers J, Melancon J, Bratcher K, Campbell JY, Cardenas YR, Feng L, Gutierrez C. Dying to Travel - Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Made Do-Not-Resuscitate within 24 Hours of Admission from an Outside hospital to UT MD Anderson Cancer Center ICUs. American Thoracic Society ATS, San Diego, CA, 2018.
- Bratcher K, Warren ML, Von-Maszewski M, Schneider G, Myers J, Campbell J, Manjapacha N, Feng L, Qing Y, Gutierrez, C. Surviving CPR in the Oncological Patient. 1st Oncological Critical Care Research Network International Symposium, Houston, Texas, 2017.
- Cardenas YR, Gutierrez C, Cata J, Rathi N, Haque S, Cardenas M, Nates J. Transfusion in older patients with cancer admitted to the Intensive Care Unit in MD Anderson Cancer Center ICUs. Global Academic Programs Conference GAP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2016.
- Cardenas YR, Bratcher K, Melancon J, Myers J, Campbell YJ, Feng L, Nates J, Gutierrez C. Characteristics, Resource Utilization and Outcomes of Out-Of-Hospital Transfers to MD Anderson Cancer Center ICUs. Global Academic Programs Conference GAP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2016.
- PERT Committee at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Optimizing the Management of Life Threatening Pulmonary Embolism at a Tertiary Cancer Center. Quality Storyboard Presentation RSNA, Chicago, IL, 2016.
- Barrett S, Rahmanou F, Gutierrez C. Hyperinsulinemia Euglycemia Therapy to Reverse Circulatory Collapse in Diltiazem Overdose. SCCM 44th Critical Care Congress. Phoenix, AZ, 2015.
- Ali Z, Zhu J, Calandrella C, Hochman M, Sharma M, Gutierrez C. High Flow Nasal Cannula in Bronchial Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Acute Exacerbations. Internal Medicine Congress, New York Chapter, NY, 2014.
- Ward M, Huynh B, Gutierrez C. Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Post-Abortion: The Danger of Occam’s Razor. Internal Medicine Congress ACP. New York Chapter, NY, 2014.
- Kostella J, Gross L, Zhu J, Gutierrez C. The Intensivist as a Gatekeeper When Resources are Limited: Let’s Initiate the Debate. SCCM 43rd Critical Care Congress. San Francisco, CA, 2014.
- Gross L, Oprea M, Chand M, Gutierrez C. Race and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Deficiency in the Critically Ill: Does it Matter?. American College of Chest Physicians CHEST. Chicago, IL, 2013.
- Gavilanes E, Sheikh M, Rahmanou F, Fleming R, Gutierrez C.. Non-invasive Ventilation on General Medical Wards: a Safe Alternative to Intensive Care Unit Utilization. SCCM 42nd Critical Care Congress. San Juan, PR, 2013.
- Najul JE, Kim S, Gutierrez C. Treatment of Hemosuccus Pancreaticus via ERCP: An Uncommon but Effective Treatment. ACP Internal Medicine Congress. New Orleans, LA, 2012.
- Rahmanou F, Gavilanes E, Basu A, Cheng C, Chai E, Hochman M, Gutierrez C. Thrombolytic Therapy in Ischemic Stroke Patients over 80 Years of Age. American College of Chest Physicians CHEST, Atlanta, GA, 2012.
- Aslam S, Hsu W, Yao H, Pan C, Gutierrez C. Palliative Care Intervention in the Asian Population Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. American College of Chest Physicians CHEST, Atlanta, GA, 2012.
- Gutierrez C, Dakwar J, Chawla S, Pastores SM, Hale K, Raoof ND, Halpern NA. Early Mortality in an Oncologic ICU: Challenging and Distressing. SCCM 41st Critical Care Congress. San Diego, CA, 2011.
- Escobar V, Lagunas-Fitta M, Gutierrez C, Menoscal, JP, Zahra, T. Vitamin D Deficiency Induced Hypocalcemia in Intensive Care Unit Patients. A Case Series. AACE 19th Annual Meeting & Clinical Congress. Boston, MA, 2010.
- Gutierrez C, Sokolovic M, Chawla S, Voigt LP, Raoof ND, Alicea M, Pastores SM, Halpern NA. Do Advance Directives Affect the Timing of Withdrawal of Life Sustaining Treatments in an Oncologic ICU?. SCCM 40th Critical Care Congress. Miami, FL, 2010.
- Gutierrez C, Krakowski A, Mondul A. Palliative Care in the Intensive Care Unit: Why Ethnicity Matters. SCCM 40th Critical Care Congress. Miami, FL, 2010.
Book Chapters
- Gutierrez C. Outcomes after Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in the Cancer Patient. In: Oncologic Critical Care. 1st Edition. 1st. Springer Nature, 2020.
- Mahadeo KM, Tambaro FP, Gutierrez C. ICU Management for CAR T Cell Therapy. In: Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell Therapies for Cancer: A Practical Guide. 1st. Elsevier, 2020.
- Gutierrez C, Pastores SM. Cytokine Release Syndrome in the Era of Cancer Immunotherapy. In: Current Concepts in Adult Critical Care. 2019 Edition. Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2019.
- Gutierrez C, Pastores SM. Oncologic Emergencies. In: Lange Critical Care, 1st Edition. McGraw-Hill Education, 563, 2017.
- Gutierrez C. Tormenta de Citoquinas Secundaria a Inmunoterapia en el Paciente Oncologico en Estado Critico. In: Oncologia Critica, 1st Edition. Distribuna, 2017.
- Gutierrez C, Pastores SM. Oncologic Emergencies. In: Principles of Critical Care, 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill Medical, 2015.
Letters to the Editor
- Brown ART, Gutierrez C. Comments Regarding "ASBMT Consensus Grading for Cytokine Release Syndrome and Neurologic Toxicity Associated with Immune Effector Cells". Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 25: e209-e210, 2019.
- Gutierrez, C, Pastores SM. Are Physician Recommendations on Limiting Life Support Really Burdensome?. American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine 181: 873, 2010.
Grant & Contract Support
Date: | 2018 - 2019 |
Title: | Clinical Research Career Development Award |
Funding Source: | MD Anderson Cancer Center- Division of Anesthesia and Critical care Medicine |
Role: | Principal Investigator |
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified October 16, 2023