David Marin, MD, DM, MSc
Department of Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, Division of Cancer Medicine
About Dr. Marin
Dr. Marin is a Professor of Medicine in the Department of Stem Cell Transplant and Cellular Therapy at MD Anderson Cancer Center. He trained as a hematologist and biostatistician. He was recruited from Imperial College London where He was the director of the Leukemia Clinical Trials Unit. His clinical specialization is on the management of myeloid malignancies. His fields of research interests are the clinical development of new cell therapies, clinical trial design and the identification of prognostic factors for response to novel therapies that may guide clinical decisions.
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Professor, Department of Stem Cell Transplantation, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
2007 | University of London, London, GBR, DM, Doctor of Medicine (equivalent to PhD) |
2000 | Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, ESP, MSc, Graduate in Statistical Methods in Health Sciences (equivalent to MSc) |
1994 | Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, ESP, MD, Titulo de Licenciadeo de Medicina Cirugia (equivalent to MD) |
Board Certifications
2018 | American Board of Internal Medicine |
1998 | Boards in Hematology (Spain) |
Experience & Service
Academic Appointments
Reader in onco-haematology, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College London, London, 2009 - 2014
Senior Lecturer, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College London, London, 2004 - 2009
Senior Registrar, Division of Haematology, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College London, London, 2000 - 2004
Administrative Appointments/Responsibilities
Director, Department of Leukaemia Clinical Trials Unit, Department of Haematology, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College, London, 2004 - 2014
Honors & Awards
2024 | Research Excellence in High -Impact Journals, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Marin D, Li Y, Basar R, Rafei H, Daher M, Dou J, Mohanty V, Dede M, Nieto Y, Uprety N, Acharya S, Liu E, Wilson J, Banerjee P, Macapinlac HA, Ganesh C, Thall PF, Bassett R, Ammari M, Rao S, Cao K, Shanley M, Kaplan M, Hosing C, Kebriaei P, Nastoupil LJ, Flowers CR, Moseley SM, Lin P, Ang S, Popat UR, Qazilbash MH, Champlin RE, Chen K, Shpall EJ, Rezvani K. Safety, efficacy and determinants of response of allogeneic CD19-specific CAR-NK cells in CD19+ B cell tumors: a phase 1/2 trial. Nat Med 30(3):772-784, 2024. e-Pub 2024. PMID: 38238616.
- Mehta RS, Ramdial J, Marin D, Alousi A, Kanakry CG, Champlin RE, Rezvani K, Shpall EJ, Page K, Gadalla SM, Kebriaei P, Weisdorf D. Impact of Donor Age in Haploidentical-Post-Transplantation Cyclophosphamide versus Matched Unrelated Donor Post-Transplantation Cyclophosphamide Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Transplant Cell Ther 29(6):377.e1-377.e7, 2023. e-Pub 2023. PMID: 36990221.
- Marcoux C, Marin D, Ramdial J, AlAtrash G, Alousi AM, Oran B, Kebriaei P, Popat UR, Rezvani K, Champlin RE, Shpall EJ, Mehta RS. Younger haploidentical donor versus older matched unrelated donor for patients with AML/MDS. Am J Hematol 98(5):712-719, 2023. e-Pub 2023. PMID: 36734029.
- Mehta RS, Marin D, Alousi A, Kanakry CG, Champlin RE, Rezvani K, Shpall EJ, Page K, Gadalla SM, Weisdorf D, Kebriaei P. Haploidentical vs matched unrelated donors for patients with ALL: donor age matters more than donor type. Blood Adv 7(8):1594-1603, 2023. e-Pub 2023. PMID: 36630564.
- Olson A, Lin R, Marin D, Rafei H, Bdaiwi MH, Thall PF, Basar R, Abudayyeh A, Banerjee P, Aung FM, Kaur I, Abueg G, Rao S, Chemaly R, Mulanovich V, Al-Atrash G, Alousi AM, Andersson BS, Anderlini P, Bashir Q, Castro KM, Daher M, Galvan IM, Hosing C, Im JS, Jones RB, Kebriaei P, Khouri I, Mehta R, Molldrem J, Nieto Y, Oran B, Popat U, Qazilbash M, Rondon G, Saini N, Spencer B, Srour S, Washington D, Barnett M, Champlin RE, Shpall EJ, Rezvani K. Third-Party BK Virus-Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Therapy for Hemorrhagic Cystitis Following Allotransplantation. J Clin Oncol 39(24):JCO2002608, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 33929874.
- Saini N, Marin D, Ledesma C, Delgado R, Rondon G, Popat UR, Bashir Q, Hosing CM, Nieto Y, Alousi AM, Qazilbash MH, Ciurea S, Shpall E, Khouri I, Kantarjian H, Jabbour E, Ravandi F, Champlin RE, Kebriaei P. Impact of TKIs post-allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in Philadelphia chromosome-positive ALL. Blood 136(15):1786-1789, 2020. PMID: 32492706.
- Rezvani K, Shpall EJ, Marin D. CAR-Transduced Natural Killer Cells. Reply. N Engl J Med 382(19):1866-1867, 2020. PMID: 32374976.
- Liu E, Marin D, Banerjee P, Macapinlac HA, Thompson P, Basar R, Nassif Kerbauy L, Overman B, Thall P, Kaplan M, Nandivada V, Kaur I, Nunez Cortes A, Cao K, Daher M, Hosing C, Cohen EN, Kebriaei P, Mehta R, Neelapu S, Nieto Y, Wang M, Wierda W, Keating M, Champlin R, Shpall EJ, Rezvani K. Use of CAR-Transduced Natural Killer Cells in CD19-Positive Lymphoid Tumors. N Engl J Med 382(6):545-553, 2020. PMID: 32023374.
- Rezvani K, Marin D. Allogeneic BK Virus-Specific T Cells for PML. N Engl J Med 380(1):106, 2019. PMID: 30601739.
- Muftuoglu M, Olson A, Marin D, Ahmed S, Mulanovich V, Tummala S, Chi TL, Ferrajoli A, Kaur I, Li L, Champlin R, Shpall EJ, Rezvani K. Allogeneic BK Virus-Specific T Cells for Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy. N Engl J Med 379(15):1443-1451, 2018. PMID: 30304652.
- Cao K, Marin D, Sekine T, Rondon G, Zhao W, Smith NT, Daher M, Wang Q, Li L, Saliba RM, Pingali R, Popat U, Hosing C, Olson A, Oran B, Basar R, Mehta RS, Champlin R, Shpall EJ, Rezvani K. Donor NKG2C Copy Number: An Independent Predictor for CMV Reactivation After Double Cord Blood Transplantation. Front Immunol 9:2444, 2018. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 30405633.
- Brammer JE, Khouri I, Marin D, Ledesma C, Rondon G, Ciurea SO, Nieto Y, Champlin RE, Hosing C, Kebriaei P. Stem cell transplantation outcomes in lymphoblastic lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma 58(2):366-371, 2017. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27348707.
- Oran B, Jorgensen JL, Marin D, Wang S, Ahmed S, Alousi AM, Andersson BS, Bashir Q, Bassett R, Lyons G, Chen J, Rezvani K, Popat U, Kebriaei P, Patel K, Rondon G, Shpall EJ, Champlin RE. Pre-transplantation minimal residual disease with cytogenetic and molecular diagnostic features improves risk stratification in acute myeloid leukemia. Haematologica 102(1):110-117, 2017. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27540139.
- Stringaris K, Marin D, Barrett AJ, Hills R, Sobieski C, Cao K, Saltarrelli JG, Daher M, Shaim H, Smith N, Linch D, Gale R, Allen C, Sekine T, Mehta R, Champlin R, Shpall EJ, Kantarjian H, Garcia-Manero G, Rezvani K. KIR gene haplotype: an independent predictor of clinical outcome in MDS patients. Blood 128(24):2819-2823, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27760759.
- Sekine T, Marin D, Cao K, Li L, Mehta P, Shaim H, Sobieski C, Jones R, Oran B, Hosing C, Rondon G, Alsuliman A, Paust S, Andersson B, Popat U, Kebriaei P, Muftuoglu M, Basar R, Kondo K, Nieto Y, Shah N, Olson A, Alousi A, Liu E, Sarvaria A, Parmar S, Armstrong-James D, Imahashi N, Molldrem J, Champlin R, Shpall EJ, Rezvani K. Specific combinations of donor and recipient KIR-HLA genotypes predict for large differences in outcome after cord blood transplantation. Blood 128(2):297-312, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27247137.
- Nigo M, Marin D, Mulanovich VE. The first case of acute unilateral pan-ureteritis caused by BK polyomavirus in an allogeneic stem cell transplant patient. Transpl Infect Dis 18(2):257-60, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 26818211.
- Thompson PA, Perera T, Marin D, Oran B, Popat U, Qazilbash M, Shah N, Parmar S, Rezvani K, Olson A, Kebriaei P, Anderlini P, Rondon G, Alousi A, Ciurea S, Champlin RE, Bajel A, Szer J, Shpall EJ, Ritchie D, Hosing C. Double Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation (dUCB) is effective therapy for relapsed or refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma:1-23. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 26472485.
- Marin D. Patient with chronic myeloid leukemia in complete cytogenetic response: what does it mean, and what does one do next?. J Clin Oncol 32(5):379-84, 2014. e-Pub 2014. PMID: 24419129.
- Marin D, Rotolo A, Milojkovic D, Goldman J. The next questions in chronic myeloid leukaemia and their answers. Curr Opin Hematol 20(2):163-8, 2013. PMID: 23334193.
- Marin D. Management of the new patient with CML in chronic phase. Curr Hematol Malig Rep 8(1):37-42, 2013. PMID: 23381448.
- Aduwa E, Szydlo R, Marin D, Foroni L, Reid A, Goldman J, Apperley JF, Milojkovic D. Significant weight gain in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia after imatinib therapy. Blood 120(25):5087-8, 2012. PMID: 23243158.
- Goldman JM, Marin D. Is imatinib still an acceptable first-line treatment for CML in chronic phase?. Oncology (Williston Park) 26(10):901-7, 2012. PMID: 23175995.
- Neelakantan P, Marin D, Laffan M, Goldman J, Apperley J, Milojkovic D. Platelet dysfunction associated with ponatinib, a new pan BCR-ABL inhibitor with efficacy for chronic myeloid leukemia resistant to multiple tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy. Haematologica 97(9):1444, 2012. e-Pub 2012. PMID: 22532521.
- Marin D, Hedgley C, Clark RE, Apperley J, Foroni L, Milojkovic D, Pocock C, Goldman JM, O'Brien S. Predictive value of early molecular response in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with first-line dasatinib. Blood 120(2):291-4, 2012. e-Pub 2012. PMID: 22645182.
- Rezvani K, Kanfer EJ, Marin D, Gabriel I, Rahemtulla A, Taylor A, Macdonald D, Dazzi F, Milojkovic D, Foroni L, Pavlu J, Sargent J, Le Dieu R, Goldman JM, Apperley J, Szydlo R. EBMT risk score predicts outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients who have failed a previous transplantation procedure. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 18(2):235-40, 2012. e-Pub 2011. PMID: 21723225.
- Marin D, Gabriel IH, Ahmad S, Foroni L, de Lavallade H, Clark R, O'Brien S, Sergeant R, Hedgley C, Milojkovic D, Khorashad JS, Bua M, Alsuliman A, Khoder A, Stringaris K, Cooper N, Davis J, Goldman JM, Apperley JF, Rezvani K. KIR2DS1 genotype predicts for complete cytogenetic response and survival in newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with imatinib. Leukemia 26(2):296-302, 2012. e-Pub 2011. PMID: 21844874.
- Marin D, Ibrahim AR, Lucas C, Gerrard G, Wang L, Szydlo RM, Clark RE, Apperley JF, Milojkovic D, Bua M, Pavlu J, Paliompeis C, Reid A, Rezvani K, Goldman JM, Foroni L. Assessment of BCR-ABL1 transcript levels at 3 months is the only requirement for predicting outcome for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. J Clin Oncol 30(3):232-8, 2012. e-Pub 2011. PMID: 22067393.
- Marin D. Initial choice of therapy among plenty for newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 2012:115-21, 2012. PMID: 23233569.
- Kishore B, Marin D. Current opinions and controversies in chronic myeloid leukaemia. Curr Opin Oncol 23(6):659-64, 2011. PMID: 21918441.
- Marin D, Ibrahim AR, Goldman JM. European Treatment and Outcome Study (EUTOS) score for chronic myeloid leukemia still requires more confirmation. J Clin Oncol 29(29):3944-5, 2011. e-Pub 2011. PMID: 21900102.
- Daghistani M, Marin D, Khorashad JS, Wang L, May PC, Paliompeis C, Milojkovic D, De Melo VA, Gerrard G, Goldman JM, Apperley JF, Clark RE, Foroni L, Reid AG. EVI-1 oncogene expression predicts survival in chronic-phase CML patients resistant to imatinib treated with second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Blood 116(26):6014-7, 2010. e-Pub 2010. PMID: 20855863.
- Marin D. Current status of imatinib as frontline therapy for chronic myeloid leukemia. Semin Hematol 47(4):312-8, 2010. PMID: 20875547.
- Bazeos A, Marin D, Reid AG, Gerrard G, Milojkovic D, May PC, de Lavallade H, Garland P, Rezvani K, Apperley JF, Goldman JM, Foroni L, Khorashad JS. hOCT1 transcript levels and single nucleotide polymorphisms as predictive factors for response to imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia. Leukemia 24(6):1243-5, 2010. e-Pub 2010. PMID: 20445576.
- Marin D, Bazeos A, Mahon FX, Eliasson L, Milojkovic D, Bua M, Apperley JF, Szydlo R, Desai R, Kozlowski K, Paliompeis C, Latham V, Foroni L, Molimard M, Reid A, Rezvani K, de Lavallade H, Guallar C, Goldman J, Khorashad JS. Adherence is the critical factor for achieving molecular responses in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia who achieve complete cytogenetic responses on imatinib. J Clin Oncol 28(14):2381-8, 2010. e-Pub 2010. PMID: 20385986.
- Garland P, Dazzi F, Marin D. Dasatinib may not suppress the GVL effect of donor lymphocyte infusions for CML. Bone Marrow Transplant 45(2):395-6, 2010. e-Pub 2009. PMID: 19561650.
- Pavlu J, Marin D. Dasatinib and chronic myeloid leukemia: two-year follow-up in eight clinical trials. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma 9(6):417-24, 2009. PMID: 19951880.
- Marin D, Khorashad JS, Foroni L, Milojkovic D, Szydlo R, Reid AG, Rezvani K, Bua M, Goldman JM, Apperley JF. Does a rise in the BCR-ABL1 transcript level identify chronic phase CML patients responding to imatinib who have a high risk of cytogenetic relapse?. Br J Haematol 145(3):373-5, 2009. e-Pub 2009. PMID: 19344397.
- Marin D, Milojkovic D, Olavarria E, Khorashad JS, de Lavallade H, Reid AG, Foroni L, Rezvani K, Bua M, Dazzi F, Pavlu J, Klammer M, Kaeda JS, Goldman JM, Apperley JF. European LeukemiaNet criteria for failure or suboptimal response reliably identify patients with CML in early chronic phase treated with imatinib whose eventual outcome is poor. Blood 112(12):4437-44, 2008. e-Pub 2008. PMID: 18716134.
- De Melo VA, Milojkovic D, Marin D, Apperley JF, Nacheva EP, Reid AG. Deletions adjacent to BCR and ABL1 breakpoints occur in a substantial minority of chronic myeloid leukemia patients with masked Philadelphia rearrangements. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 182(2):111-5, 2008. PMID: 18406872.
- Perz JB, Marin D, Szydlo RM, Giles C, Olavarria E, Williams G, Apperley JF. Incidence of hyperthyroidism after unrelated donor allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Leuk Res 31(10):1433-6, 2007. e-Pub 2007. PMID: 17433437.
- Elliot V, Marin D, Horncastle D, Elderfield K, Howard J, Apperley JF, Lampert IA, Naresh KN. Total CD34+ cells per 10 HPF in bone marrow trephines of patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia correlates with probability of complete cytogenetic response following imatinib treatment. Histopathology 50(6):810-2, 2007. e-Pub 2007. PMID: 17376172.
- Anand M, Khorashad J, Marin D, Apperley JF, Goldman JM, Kaeda JS. Varying response to escalating the dose of imatinib in patients with CML who "acquire" a BCR-ABL M244V mutant allele. Blood 108(8):2881-2, 2006. PMID: 17021308.
- Perz JB, Khorashad JS, Marin D, Apperley JF, Olavarria E. Imatinib preceding allogeneic stem cell transplantation in chronic myeloid leukemia. Haematologica 91(8):1145-6, 2006. e-Pub 2006. PMID: 16870551.
- Khorashad JS, Anand M, Marin D, Saunders S, Al-Jabary T, Iqbal A, Margerison S, Melo JV, Goldman JM, Apperley JF, Kaeda J. The presence of a BCR-ABL mutant allele in CML does not always explain clinical resistance to imatinib. Leukemia 20(4):658-63, 2006. PMID: 16467863.
- Elliot V, Marin D, Horncastle D, Elderfield K, Apperley JF, Lampert IA, Naresh K. Percentage of CD34 cells in a minimum 500-cell count in bone marrow trephines of patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia provides the best correlation with aspirate blast count. Br J Haematol 130(3):460-1, 2005. PMID: 16042700.
- Marin D, Kaeda JS, Andreasson C, Saunders SM, Bua M, Olavarria E, Goldman JM, Apperley JF. Phase I/II trial of adding semisynthetic homoharringtonine in chronic myeloid leukemia patients who have achieved partial or complete cytogenetic response on imatinib. Cancer 103(9):1850-5, 2005. PMID: 15786422.
- Marin D, Kaeda J, Szydlo R, Saunders S, Fleming A, Howard J, Andreasson C, Bua M, Olavarria E, Rahemtulla A, Dazzi F, Kanfer E, Goldman JM, Apperley JF. Monitoring patients in complete cytogenetic remission after treatment of CML in chronic phase with imatinib: patterns of residual leukaemia and prognostic factors for cytogenetic relapse. Leukemia 19(4):507-12, 2005. PMID: 15703781.
- Burton C, Marin D, Apperley J. Personalized medical treatment strategies for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther 5(2):343-53, 2005. PMID: 15877530.
- Avery S, Nadal E, Marin D, Olavarria E, Kaeda J, Vulliamy T, Brito Babapulle F, Goldman JM, Apperley JF. Lymphoid transformation in a CML patient in complete cytogenetic remission following treatment with imatinib. Leuk Res 28 Suppl 1:S75-7, 2004. PMID: 15036946.
- Marin D, Rahemtulla A, Olavarria E, Goldman J, Apperley J. Interactive web-based guidelines for chronic myeloid leukaemia. Lancet 363(9416):1239, 2004. PMID: 15081671.
- Drummond MW, Marin D, Clark RE, Byrne JL, Holyoake TL, Lennard A, United Kingdom Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (UK CML) Working Party. Mobilization of Ph chromosome-negative peripheral blood stem cells in chronic myeloid leukaemia patients with imatinib mesylate-induced complete cytogenetic remission. Br J Haematol 123(3):479-83, 2003. PMID: 14617010.
- Marin D, Goldman JM, Olavarria E, Apperley JF. Transient benefit only from increasing the imatinib dose in CML patients who do not achieve complete cytogenetic remissions on conventional doses. Blood 102(7):2702-3; author reply 2703-4, 2003. PMID: 14504074.
- Marin D, Marktel S, Bua M, Szydlo RM, Franceschino A, Nathan I, Foot N, Crawley C, Na Nakorn T, Olavarria E, Lennard A, Neylon A, O'Brien SG, Goldman JM, Apperley JF. Prognostic factors for patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia in chronic phase treated with imatinib mesylate after failure of interferon alfa. Leukemia 17(8):1448-53, 2003. PMID: 12886230.
- Marin D, Marktel S, Szydlo R, Klein JP, Bua M, Foot N, Olavarria E, Shepherd P, Kanfer E, Goldman JM, Apperley JF. Survival of patients with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukaemia on imatinib after failure on interferon alfa. Lancet 362(9384):617-9, 2003. PMID: 12944062.
- Goldman JM, Marin D, Olavarria E, Apperley JF. Clinical decisions for chronic myeloid leukemia in the imatinib era. Semin Hematol 40(2 Suppl 2):98-103; discussion 104-13, 2003. PMID: 12783383.
- Marktel S, Marin D, Foot N, Szydlo R, Bua M, Karadimitris A, De Melo VA, Kotzampaltiris P, Dazzi F, Rahemtulla A, Olavarria E, Apperley JF, Goldman JM. Chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase responding to imatinib: the occurrence of additional cytogenetic abnormalities predicts disease progression. Haematologica 88(3):260-7, 2003. PMID: 12651263.
- Marin D, Marktel S, Foot N, Bua M, Goldman JM, Apperley JF. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor reverses cytopenia and may permit cytogenetic responses in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with imatinib mesylate. Haematologica 88(2):227-9, 2003. PMID: 12604417.
- Goldman JM, Marin D. Management decisions in chronic myeloid leukemia. Semin Hematol 40(1):97-103, 2003. PMID: 12563616.
- Marin D, Marktel S, Bua M, Armstrong L, Goldman JM, Apperley JF, Olavarria E. The use of imatinib (STI571) in chronic myelod leukemia: some practical considerations. Haematologica 87(9):979-88, 2002. PMID: 12217811.
- Marín D, González-Barca E, Domingo E, Berlanga J, Grañena A. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in a patient with respiratory failure after hematopoietic progenitor transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 22(11):1123-4, 1998. PMID: 9877278.
- Marín D, Berrade J, Ferra C, Mateu A, Berlanga J, Salar A, Torrado H, Grañena A, Ventura JL. Engraftment syndrome and survival after respiratory failure post-bone marrow transplantation. Intensive Care Med 24(7):732-5, 1998. PMID: 9722046.
Grant & Contract Support
Title: | Next Generation Engineered NK Cells for Lymphoma Patients after CD19 CAR-T Cell Failure |
Funding Source: | NIH/NCI |
Role: | Co-Investigator |
Title: | Moonshot-AML-ACT Platform |
Funding Source: | Moonshot-AML-ACT Platform |
Role: | Principal Investigator |
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified August 12, 2024