Meet Jennifer McQuade, M.D.

Jennifer L McQuade, M.D., M.S., M.A., LAc
Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine
About Dr. Jennifer McQuade
Jennifer L. McQuade, MD, MS, MA is an Assistant Professor and Physician Scientist in Melanoma Medical Oncology. Dr. McQuade completed her medical training at Baylor College of Medicine, her residency at the University of Pennsylvania, and her fellowship at MD Anderson Cancer Center, and then spent two years in MD Anderson's prestigious Advanced Scholar program conducting research and completing a Master's in Science in Clinical and Translational Science before joining the clinical faculty in 2018. Her research focuses on how lifestyle factors influence melanoma biology and the anti-tumor immune response with the goal of developing novel strategies to improve outcomes in melanoma. In addition, Dr. McQuade holds a Master's degree in traditional Chinese medicine, spending time as a Fulbright fellow in China, and conducted studies of integrative therapies for symptom control in cancer.
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Associate Professor, Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
2017 | University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston, TX, USA, MS, Clinical and Translational Science |
2009 | Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA, MD, Medicine |
2008 | American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Houston, TX, USA, MA, Oriental Medicine |
1998 | University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA, BA, Echols Interdisciplinary, concentrations in Biology and International Studies |
Postgraduate Training
2013-2016 | Clinical Fellowship, Medical Oncology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX |
2009-2012 | Clinical Internship and Residency, Internal Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA |
2004-2005 | Research Fellowship, Fudan University Cancer Hospital, Shanghai |
Board Certifications
2016 | Medical Oncology |
2012 | American Board of Internal Medicine |
Experience & Service
Academic Appointments
Physician Scientist Program, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2018 - 2023
Instructor, Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2016 - 2018
Advanced Scholar, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2016 - 2018
Fellow, Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2013 - 2016
Administrative Appointments/Responsibilities
Lead, Mucosal Melanoma Working Group, Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 8888, 2022 - Present
Director, Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology Grand Rounds, Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 8888, 2019 - Present
Institutional Committee Activities
Melanoma Tumor Board Conference (MELCO), CME Activity Reviewer, 2021 - Present
Education workstream, Goals of Care Initiative, Co-Lead, 2020 - Present
Bionutrition Research Core Internal Advisory Board, Member, 2020 - Present
Junior Faculty Committee, Representative, 2019 - 2020
Advisory Committee, Member, DVMS-RASFH Income, 2018 - 2019
Honors & Awards
2015 | Trainee Scholarship, Society of Integrative Oncology |
Professional Memberships
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Reyes-Gibby CC, Caterino JM, Coyne CJ, Kyriacou DN, Qdaisat A, McQuade J, Owen DH, Bischof JJ, Shete S, Yeung SJ. Immune-related adverse event in the emergency department: methodology of the immune-related emergency disposition index (IrEDi). Emerg Cancer Care 3(1), 2024. e-Pub 2024. PMID: 38725994.
- Issac A, Szafron D, Wei D, McQuade, JL, Wang Y. Severe inflammatory colitis related to encorafenib and binimetinib following immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy. Case Rep. Gastroenterol(16):388-93, 2022. e-Pub 2022.
- Starling CT, Messer AA, Kleiman A, McQuade, JL, Glitza IC, Torres-Cabala CA, Heberton M. Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis and concurrent immunotherapy associated encephalitis with nivolumab and ipilimumab. Dermatol. Online J 28(2), 2022. PMID: 35670686.
- Patel AB, Farooq S, Welborn M, Amaria RN, Chon SY, Diab A, Glitza Oliva IC, Huen AO, Li SQ, Nelson KC, Pacha O, Patel SP, Rapini RP, Tawbi HA, Wong MK, McQuade J, Davies MA, Haydu LE. Cutaneous adverse events in 155 patients with metastatic melanoma consecutively treated with anti-CTLA4 and anti-PD1 combination immunotherapy: Incidence, management, and clinical benefit. Cancer 128(5):975-983, 2022. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34724197.
- Pires da Silva I, Ahmed T, McQuade JL, Nebhan CA, Park JJ, Versluis JM, Serra-Bellver P, Khan Y, Slattery T, Oberoi HK, Ugurel S, Haydu LE, Herbst R, Utikal J, Pföhler C, Terheyden P, Weichenthal M, Gutzmer R, Mohr P, Rai R, Smith JL, Scolyer RA, Arance AM, Pickering L, Larkin J, Lorigan P, Blank CU, Schadendorf D, Davies MA, Carlino MS, Johnson DB, Long GV, Lo SN, Menzies AM. Clinical models to define response and survival with anti-PD-1 antibodies alone or combined with ipilimumab in metastatic melanoma. J Clin Oncol:JCO2101701. e-Pub 2022. PMID: 35143285.
- Spencer CN*, McQuade JL*, Gopalakrishnan V*, McCulloch JA*, Vetizou M*, Cogdill AP*, Khan AW*, Zhang X, White MG, Peterson CB, Wong MC, Morad G, Rodgers T, Badger JH, Helmink BA, Andrews MC, Rodrigues RR, Morgun A, Kim YS, Roszik J, Hoffman KL, Zheng J, Zhou Y, Medik YB, Kahn LM, Johnson S, Hudgens CW, Wani K, Gaudreau PO, Harris AL, Jamal MA, Baruch EN, Perez-Guijarro E, Day CP, Merlino G, Pazdrak B, Lochmann BS, Szczepaniak-Sloan RS, Arora R, Anderson J, Zobniw CM, Posada E, Sirmans E, Simon J, Haydu LE, Burton EM, Wang L, Dang M, Clise-Dwyer K, Schneider S, Chapman T, Anang NAAS, Duncan S, Toker J, Malke JC, Glitza IC, Amaria RN, Tawbi HA, Diab A, Wong MK, Patel SP, Woodman SE, Davies MA, Ross MI, Gershenwald JE, Lee JE, Hwu P, Jensen V, Samuels Y, Straussman R, Ajami NJ, Nelson KC, Nezi L, Petrosino JF, Futreal PA, Lazar AJ, Hu J, Jenq RR, Tetzlaff MT, Yan Y, Garrett WS, Huttenhower C, Sharma P, Watowich SS, Allison JP, Cohen L, Trinchieri G**, Daniel CR**, Wargo JA**. (* co-first author; ** co-last author). Dietary fiber and probiotics influence the gut microbiome and melanoma immunotherapy response. Science 374(6575):1632-1640, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34941392.
- Wang Y, Ramachandran V, Sui D, Xu K, Haydu LE, Fang S, McQuade JL, Fisher SB, Lucci A, Keung EZ, Wargo J, Gershenwald JE, Ross MI, Lee JE. Evaluation of Plasma IL-6 in Patients with Melanoma as a Prognostic and Checkpoint Immunotherapy Predictive Biomarker. J Invest Dermatol. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34952092.
- Zou F, Faleck D, Thomas A, Harris J, Satish D, Wang X, Charabaty A, Ernstoff MS, Glitza Oliva IC, Hanauer S, McQuade J, Obeid M, Shah A, Richards DM, Sharon E, Wolchok J, Thompson J, Wang Y. Efficacy and safety of vedolizumab and infliximab treatment for immune-mediated diarrhea and colitis in patients with cancer: a two-center observational study. J Immunother Cancer 9(11), 2021. PMID: 34789551.
- Sloane RAS, White MG, Witt RG, Banerjee A, Davies MA, Han G, Burton E, Ajami N, Simon JM, Bernatchez C, Haydu LE, Tawbi HA, Gershenwald JE, Keung E, Ross M, McQuade J, Amaria RN, Wani K, Lazar AJ, Woodman SE, Wang L, Andrews MC, Wargo JA. Identification of MicroRNA-mRNA Networks in Melanoma and Their Association with PD-1 Checkpoint Blockade Outcomes. Cancers (Basel) 13(21), 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34771465.
- Andrews MC*, Duong CPM*, Gopalakrishnan V*, Iebba V*, Chen WS*, Derosa L*, Khan MAW, Cogdill AP, White MG, Wong MC, Ferrere G, Fluckiger A, Roberti MP, Opolon P, Alou MT, Yonekura S, Roh W, Spencer CN, Curbelo IF, Vence L, Reuben A, Johnson S, Arora R, Morad G, Lastrapes M, Baruch EN, Little L, Gumbs C, Cooper ZA, Prieto PA, Wani K, Lazar AJ, Tetzlaff MT, Hudgens CW, Callahan MK, Adamow M, Postow MA, Ariyan CE, Gaudreau PO, Nezi L, Raoult D, Mihalcioiu C, Elkrief A, Pezo RC, Haydu LE, Simon JM, Tawbi HA, McQuade J, Hwu P, Hwu WJ, Amaria RN, Burton EM, Woodman SE, Watowich S, Diab A, Patel SP, Glitza IC, Wong MK, Zhao L, Zhang J, Ajami NJ, Petrosino J, Jenq RR, MA Davies, Gershenwald JE, Futreal PA, Sharma P, Allison JP, Routy B, Zitvogel L**, Wargo JA**. (* co-first author; ** co-last author). Gut microbiota signatures are associated with toxicity to combined CTLA-4 and PD-1 blockade. Nat Med 27(8):1432-1441, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34239137.
- Owen CN, Bai X, Quah T, Lo SN, Allayous C, Callaghan S, Martínez-Vila C, Wallace R, Bhave P, Reijers ILM, Thompson N, Vanella V, Gerard CL, Aspeslagh S, Labianca A, Khattak A, Mandala M, Xu W, Neyns B, Michielin O, Blank CU, Welsh SJ, Haydon A, Sandhu S, Mangana J, McQuade JL, Ascierto PA, Zimmer L, Johnson DB, Arance A, Lorigan P, Lebbé C, Carlino MS, Sullivan RJ, Long GV, Menzies AM. Delayed immune-related adverse events with anti-PD-1-based immunotherapy in melanoma. Ann Oncol 32(7):917-925, 2021. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 33798657.
- Ma W, Gong Z, Abu-Sbeih H, Peng Y, Peng F, Zou F, Charabaty A, Okhuysen PC, McQuade JL, Altan M, Zhang HC, Thomas AS, Wang Y. Outcomes of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-related Diarrhea or Colitis in Cancer Patients With Superimposed Gastrointestinal Infections. Am J Clin Oncol. e-Pub 2021. PMID: 34107499.
- Saberian C, Amaria RN, Najjar AM, Radvanyi LG, Haymaker CL, Forget MA, Bassett RL, Faria SC, Glitza IC, Alvarez E, Parshottam S, Prieto V, Lizée G, Wong MK, McQuade JL, Diab A, Yee C, Tawbi HA, Patel S, Shpall EJ, Davies MA, Hwu P, Bernatchez C. Randomized phase II trial of lymphodepletion plus adoptive cell transfer of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, with or without dendritic cell vaccination, in patients with metastatic melanoma. J Immunother Cancer 9(5), 2021. PMID: 34021033.
- Ascierto PA, Bifulco C, Galon J, Garbe C, Khleif SN, McQuade JL, Odunsi K, Okada H, Paulos CM, Quezada SA, Tawbi HA, Timmerman J, Trinchieri G, Butterfield LH, Puzanov I. The Great Debate at 'Immunotherapy Bridge', Naples, December 5, 2019. J Immunother Cancer 8(2), 2020. PMID: 32843491.
- Fischer GM, Jalali A, Kircher DA, Lee WC, McQuade J, Haydu LE, Joon AY, Reuben A, de Macedo MP, Carapeto FCL, Yang C, Srivastava A, Ambati CR, Sreekumar A, Hudgens CW, Knighton B, Deng W, Ferguson SD, Tawbi HA, Glitza IC, Gershenwald JE, Vashisht Gopal YN, Hwu P, Huse JT, Wargo JA, Futreal PA, Putluri N, Lazar AJ, DeBerardinis RJ, Marszalek JR, Zhang J, Holmen SL, Tetzlaff MT, Davies MA. Molecular Profiling Reveals Unique Immune and Metabolic Features of Melanoma Brain Metastases. Cancer Discov, 2019. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 30787016.
- Pires da Silva I, Wang KYX, Wilmott JS, Holst J, Carlino MS, Park JJ, Quek C, Wongchenko M, Yan Y, Mann G, Johnson DB, McQuade JL, Rai R, Kefford RF, Rizos H, Scolyer RA, Yang JYH, Long GV, Menzies AM. Distinct Molecular Profiles and Immunotherapy Treatment Outcomes of V600E and V600K BRAF-Mutant Melanoma. Clin Cancer Res, 2019. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 30630828.
- McQuade JL, Homsi J, Torres-Cabala CA, Bassett R, Popuri RM, James ML, Vence LM, Hwu WJ. A phase II trial of recombinant MAGE-A3 protein with immunostimulant AS15 in combination with high-dose Interleukin-2 (HDIL2) induction therapy in metastatic melanoma. BMC Cancer 18(1):1274, 2018. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 30567529.
- Kugel CH, Douglass SM, Webster MR, Kaur A, Liu Q, Yin X, Weiss SA, Darvishian F, Al-Rohil RN, Ndoye A, Behera R, Alicea GM, Ecker BL, Fane M, Allegrezza MJ, Svoronos N, Kumar V, Wang DY, Somasundaram R, Hu-Lieskovan S, Ozgun A, Herlyn M, Conejo-Garcia JR, Gabrilovich D, Stone EL, Nowicki TS, Sosman J, Rai R, Carlino MS, Long GV, Marais R, Ribas A, Eroglu Z, Davies MA, Schilling B, Schadendorf D, Xu W, Amaravadi RK, Menzies AM, McQuade JL, Johnson DB, Osman I, Weeraratna AT. Age Correlates with Response to Anti-PD1, Reflecting Age-Related Differences in Intratumoral Effector and Regulatory T-Cell Populations. Clin Cancer Res 24(21):5347-5356, 2018. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 29898988.
- Tio M, Rai R, Ezeoke OM, McQuade JL, Zimmer L, Khoo C, Park JJ, Spain L, Turajlic S, Ardolino L, Yip D, Goldinger SM, Cohen JV, Millward M, Atkinson V, Kane AY, Ascierto PA, Garbe C, Gutzmer R, Johnson DB, Rizvi HA, Joshua AM, Hellmann MD, Long GV, Menzies AM. Anti-PD-1/PD-L1 immunotherapy in patients with solid organ transplant, HIV or hepatitis B/C infection. Eur J Cancer 104:137-144, 2018. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 30347289.
- Shaw AC, McQuade JL, Reilley MJ, Nixon B, Baile WF, Epner DE. Integrating Storytelling into a Communication Skills Teaching Program for Medical Oncology Fellows. J Cancer Educ. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 30219971.
- Romano G, Chen PL, Song P, McQuade JL, Liang RJ, Liu M, Roh W, Duose DY, Carapeto FCL, Li J, Teh JLF, Aplin AE, Chen M, Zhang J, Lazar AJ, Davies MA, Futreal PA, Amaria RN, Zhang DY, Wargo JA, Kwong LN. A pre-existing rare PIK3CAE545K subpopulation confers clinical resistance to MEK plus CDK4/6 inhibition in NRAS melanoma and is dependent on S6K1 signaling. Cancer Discov 8(5):556-567, 2018. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 29496665.
- McQuade JL, Daniel CR, Hess KR, Mak C, Wang DY, Rai RR, Park JJ, Haydu LE, Spencer C, Wongchenko M, Lane S, Lee DY, Kaper M, McKean M, Beckermann KE, Rubinstein SM, Rooney I, Musib L, Budha N, Hsu J, Nowicki TS, Avila A, Haas T, Puligandla M, Lee S, Fang S, Wargo JA, Gershenwald JE, Lee JE, Hwu P, Chapman PB, Sosman JA, Schadendorf D, Grob JJ, Flaherty KT, Walker D, Yan Y, McKenna E, Legos JJ, Carlino MS, Ribas A, Kirkwood JM, Long GV, Johnson DB, Menzies AM, Davies MA. Association of body mass index and outcomes in patients with metastatic melanoma treated with targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy: a retrospective, multicohort analysis. Lancet Oncol 19(3):310-322, 2018. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 29449192.
- Amaria RN, Prieto PA, Tetzlaff MT, Reuben A, Andrews MC, Ross MI, Glitza IC, Cormier J, Hwu WJ, Tawbi HA, Patel SP, Lee JE, Gershenwald JE, Spencer CN, Gopalakrishnan V, Bassett R, Simpson L, Mouton R, Hudgens CW, Zhao L, Zhu H, Cooper ZA, Wani K, Lazar A, Hwu P, Diab A, Wong MK, McQuade JL, Royal R, Lucci A, Burton EM, Reddy S, Sharma P, Allison J, Futreal PA, Woodman SE, Davies MA, Wargo JA. Neoadjuvant plus adjuvant dabrafenib and trametinib versus standard of care in patients with high-risk, surgically resectable melanoma: a single-centre, open-label, randomized, phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncol 19(2):181-193, 2018. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 29361468.
- McQuade JL, Prinsloo S, Chang DZ, Spelman A, Wei Q, Basen-Engquist K, Harrison C, Zhang Z, Kuban D, Lee A, Cohen L. Qigong/tai chi for sleep and fatigue in prostate cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy: a randomized controlled trial. Psychooncology 26(11):1936-1943, 2017. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27548839.
- Reuben A, Petaccia de Macedo M, McQuade J, Joon A, Ren Z, Calderone T, Conner B, Wani K, Cooper ZA, Tawbi H, Tetzlaff MT, Padera RF, Durand JB, Lazar AJ, Wargo JA, Davies MA. Comparative immunologic characterization of autoimmune giant cell myocarditis with ipilimumab. Oncoimmunology 6(12):e1361097. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 29209563.
- Fang S, Wang Y, Dang Y, Gagel A, Ross MI, Gershenwald JE, Cormier JN, Wargo J, Haydu LE, Davies MA, McQuade JL, Sui D, Bassett RL, Reveille JD, Wei Q, Amos CI, Lee JE. Association between Body Mass Index, C-Reactive Protein Levels, and Melanoma Patient Outcomes. J Invest Dermatol 137(8):1792-1795, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28442307.
- Milbury K, Kavanagh A, Meng Z, Chen Z, Chandwani KD, Garcia K, Perkins GH, McQuade JL, Raghuram NV, Nagarathna R, Liao Z, Nagendra HR, Chen J, Guo X, Liu L, Arun B, Cohen L. Depressive symptoms and positive affect in Chinese and United States breast cancer survivors: a cross-cultural comparison. Support Care Cancer 25(7):2103-2109, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28233122.
- Lopez G, Liu W, McQuade JL, Lee RT, Spelman AR, Fellman B, Li Y, Bruera E, Cohen L. Integrative Oncology Outpatient Consultations: Long-Term Effects on Patient-Reported Symptoms and Quality of Life. J Cancer 8(9):1640-1646. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28775783.
- Prinsloo S, Novy D, Driver L, Lyle R, Ramondetta L, Eng C, McQuade J, Lopez G, Cohen L. Randomized controlled trial of neurofeedback on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: A pilot study. Cancer 123(11):1989-1997, 2017. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28257146.
- Kim DW, Haydu LE, Joon AY, Bassett RL, Siroy AE, Tetzlaff MT, Routbort MJ, Amaria RN, Wargo JA, McQuade JL, Kemnade J, Hwu P, Woodman SE, Roszik J, Kim KB, Gershenwald JE, Lazar AJ, Davies MA. Clinicopathological features and clinical outcomes associated with TP53 and BRAFNon-V600mutations in cutaneous melanoma patients. Cancer 123(8):1372-1381, 2017. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27911979.
- Shiuan E, Beckermann KE, Ozgun A, Kelly C, McKean M, McQuade J, Thompson MA, Puzanov I, Greer JP, Rapisuwon S, Postow M, Davies MA, Eroglu Z, Johnson D. Thrombocytopenia in patients with melanoma receiving immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy. J Immunother Cancer 5:8. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28239462.
- Lopez G*, McQuade J*, Cohen L, Williams JT, Spelman AR, Fellman B, Li Y, Bruera E, Lee RT (*equally contributed). Integrative Oncology Physician Consultations at a Comprehensive Cancer Center: Analysis of Demographic, Clinical and Patient Reported Outcomes. J Cancer 8(3):395-402. e-Pub 2017. PMID: 28261340.
- Menzies AM, Johnson DB, Ramanujam S, Atkinson VG, Wong ANM, Park JJ, McQuade JL, Shoushtari AN, Tsai KK, Eroglu Z, Klein O, Hassel JC, Sosman JA, Guminski A, Sullivan RJ, Ribas A, Carlino MS, Davies MA, Sandhu SK, Long GV. Anti-PD-1 therapy in patients with advanced melanoma and preexisting autoimmune disorders or major toxicity with ipilimumab. Ann Oncol 28(2):368-376, 2017. PMID: 27687304.
- McQuade JL, Posada LP, Lecagoonporn S, Cain S, Bassett RL, Patel SP, Hwu WJ, Hwu P, Davies MA, Bedikian AY, Amaria RN. A phase I study of TPI 287 in combination with temozolomide for patients with metastatic melanoma. Melanoma Res 26(6):604-608, 2016. PMID: 27540836.
- Lu Q, You J, Kavanagh A, Warmoth K, Meng Z, Chen Z, Chandwani KD, Perkins GH, McQuade JL, Raghuram NV, Nagarathna R, Liao Z, Nagendra HR, Chen J, Guo X, Liu L, Arun B, Cohen L. Differences in quality of life between American and Chinese breast cancer survivors. Support Care Cancer 24(9):3775-82, 2016. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27048455.
- #Chen G,#McQuade JL, Panka DJ, Hudgens CW, Amin-Mansour A, Mu XJ, Bahl S, Jané-Valbuena J, Wani KM, Reuben A, Creasy CA, Jiang H, Cooper ZA, Roszik J, Bassett RL, Joon AY, Simpson LM, Mouton RD, Glitza IC, Patel SP, Hwu WJ, Amaria RN, Diab A, Hwu P, Lazar AJ, Wargo JA, Garraway LA, Tetzlaff MT, Sullivan RJ, Kim KB, Davies MA (#contributed equally; *co-first). Clinical, Molecular, and Immune Analysis of Dabrafenib-Trametinib Combination Treatment for BRAF Inhibitor-Refractory Metastatic Melanoma: A Phase 2 Clinical Trial. JAMA Oncol 2(8):1056-64, 2016. PMID: 27124486.
- Raghav K, Mhadgut H, McQuade JL, Lei X, Ross A, Matamoros A, Wang H, Overman MJ, Varadhachary GR. Cancer of Unknown Primary in Adolescents and Young Adults: Clinicopathological Features, Prognostic Factors and Survival Outcomes. PLoS One 11(5):e0154985. e-Pub 2016. PMID: 27171493.
- Peng W, Chen JQ, Liu C, Malu S, Creasy C, Tetzlaff MT, Xu C, McKenzie JA, Zhang C, Liang X, Williams LJ, Deng W, Chen G, Mbofung R, Lazar AJ, Torres-Cabala CA, Cooper ZA, Chen PL, Tieu TN, Spranger S, Yu X, Bernatchez C, Forget MA, Haymaker C, Amaria R, McQuade JL, Glitza IC, Cascone T, Li HS, Kwong LN, Heffernan TP, Hu J, Bassett RL, Bosenberg MW, Woodman SE, Overwijk WW, Lizée G, Roszik J, Gajewski TF, Wargo JA, Gershenwald JE, Radvanyi L, Davies MA, Hwu P. Loss of PTEN Promotes Resistance to T Cell-Mediated Immunotherapy. Cancer Discov 6(2):202-16, 2016. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 26645196.
- Garcia MK, Graham-Getty L, Haddad R, Li Y, McQuade J, Lee RT, Spano M, Cohen L. Systematic review of acupuncture to control hot flashes in cancer patients. Cancer 121(22):3948-58, 2015. e-Pub 2015. PMID: 26281028.
- Chen Z, Meng Z, Milbury K, Bei W, Zhang Y, Thornton B, Liao Z, Wei Q, Chen J, Guo X, Liu L, McQuade J, Kirschbaum C, Cohen L. Qigong improves quality of life in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer: results of a randomized controlled trial. Cancer 119(9):1690-8, 2013. e-Pub 2013. PMID: 23355182.
- Garcia MK, McQuade J, Haddad R, Patel S, Lee R, Yang P, Palmer JL, Cohen L. Systematic review of acupuncture in cancer care: a synthesis of the evidence. J Clin Oncol 31(7):952-60, 2013. e-Pub 2013. PMID: 23341529.
- Ahmadi T, McQuade J, Porter D, Frey N, Loren AW, Goldstein SC, Svoboda J, Stadtmauer E, Schuster SJ, Nasta SD. Potential prolongation of PFS in mantle cell lymphoma after R-HyperCVAD: auto-SCT consolidation or rituximab maintenance. Bone Marrow Transplant 47(8):1082-6, 2012. e-Pub 2011. PMID: 22080969.
- Meng ZQ, Garcia MK, Chiang JS, Peng HT, Shi YQ, Fu J, Liu LM, Liao ZX, Zhang Y, Bei WY, Thornton B, Palmer JL, McQuade J, Cohen L. Electro-acupuncture to prevent prolonged postoperative ileus: a randomized clinical trial. World J Gastroenterol 16(1):104-11, 2010. PMID: 20039456.
Invited Articles
- McQuade JL*, Daniel CR*, Helmink BA*, Wargo JA**. (* co-first author). Modulating the microbiome to improve therapeutic response in cancer. Lancet Oncol 20(2):e77-e91, 2019. PMID: 30712808.
Other Articles
- McQuade JL, Daniel CR, Hess KR, Davies MA Sex as a predictor of response to cancer immunotherapy. Lancet Oncol 19(8):e376, 2018. PMID: 30102226.
- McQuade JL, Daniel CR, Davies MA Body-mass index and metastatic melanoma outcomes - Authors' reply. Lancet Oncol 19(5):e227-e228, 2018. PMID: 29726386.
Grant & Contract Support
Date: | 2022 - 2025 |
Title: | ME210289P1: Delineating germline, tumor and extrinsic factors driving mucosal melanoma risk and response |
Funding Source: | Department of the Army - USAMRAA |
Role: | Co-Principal Investigator |
ID: | FP000014946 |
Date: | 2018 - 2023 |
Title: | Diet, mental health, and the microbiome in response to immunotherapy |
Funding Source: | Melanoma Research Alliance |
Role: | Co-Principal Investigator |
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified October 14, 2024