Meet Jeong Oh, M.D.

Jeong H. Oh, M.D., MPH, FACP
Department of General Internal Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Professor, Department of General Internal Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Director of Clinical Education, Department of General Internal Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Dual/Joint/Adjunct Appointment
Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
1998 | University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, MPH, Epidemiology |
1988 | University of Sao Paulo-Medical School, Sao Paulo, BRA, MD, M.D |
Postgraduate Training
1996-1998 | Fellowship, General Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA |
1995-1996 | Chief Resident, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New Hyde Park, NY |
1992-1995 | Clinical Residency, Internal Medicine, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New Hyde Park, NY |
1989-1990 | Clinical Residency, Internal Medicine, Hospital das Clinicas da FMUSP, Sao Paulo |
Board Certifications
1996 | American Board of Internal Medicine |
Experience & Service
Administrative Appointments/Responsibilities
Associate Program Director, Fellowship Program, Department of General Internal Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2008 - 2020
Institutional Committee Activities
Senator, Faculty Senate, 2015 - 2018
Member, Cancer Survivorship Clinical Care Workgroup, 2010 - Present
Member, Survivorship Steering Committee, 2010 - Present
Chair, Clinical Education Group, Department of General Internal Medicine, 2010 - Present
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Pachman DR, Watson JC, Lustberg MB, Wagner-Johnston ND, Chan A, Broadfield L, Cheung YT, Steer C, Storey DJ, Chandwani KD, Paice J, Jean-Pierre P, Oh J, Kamath J, Fallon M, Strik H, Koeppen S, Loprinzi CL. Management options for established chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Support Care in Cancer 22(8):2281-95, 2014. e-Pub 2014. PMID: 24879391.
- Holmes HM, Nguyen HT, Nayak P, Oh JH, Escalante CP, Elting LS. Chronic conditions and health status in older cancer survivors. Eur J Intern Med 25(4):374-8, 2014. e-Pub 2014. PMID: 24389373.
- Bian SX, Kuban DA, Levy LB, Oh J, Castle KO, Pugh TJ, Choi S, McGuire SE, Nguyen QN, Frank SJ, Nguyen PL, Lee AK, Hoffman KE. Addition of short-term androgen deprivation therapy to dose-escalated radiation therapy improves failure-free survival for select men with intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Ann Oncol, Indian Excerpted Edition 4(2), 2013. PMID: 22357249.
- S.X. Bian, D.A. Kuban, L.B. Levy, J. Oh, K.O. Castle, T. J. Pugh, S.Choi, S.E. McGuire, Q.N. Nguyen, S.J. Frank, P.L. Nguyen, A.K. Lee, K.E. Hoffman. Addition of short-term androgen deprivation therapy to dose-escalated radiation therapy improves failure-free survival for select men with intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Annals of Oncology 23(9):2346-52, 2012. PMID: 22357249.
- Naqvi K, Garcia-Manero G, Sardesai S, Oh J, Vigil CE, Pierce S, Lei X, Shan J, Kantarjian HM, Suarez-Almazor ME. Association of Comorbidities with Overall Survival in Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Development of a Prognositc Model. JCO 29(16), 2011. PMID: 21537048.
- Oh J, Baum D, Ensor J, Pham S, Nguyen S. Chen I. Long-term Complications of Platinum-based Chemotherapy in Testicular Cancer Survivors. Medical Oncology 24:175-182, 2007. PMID: 17848741.
- Jotkowitz A. Oh J. Tu C. Elkin D. Pollack LA. Kerpen H.. The Use of Personal Digital Assistants Among Medical Residents. Medical Teacher 28(4):382-4, 2006. PMID: 19330686.
- Oh J, Segal R, Gordon J, Boal J, Jotkowitz A. Retention and Use of Patient Centered-Interviewing Skills after Intensive Training. Academic Medicine 76:647-650, 2001. PMID: 11401813.
- Oh JH, Hanusa BH, Kapoor WN. Do symptoms predict cardiac arrhythmias and mortality in patients with syncope?. Arch Intern Med 159(4):375-80, 1999. PMID: 10030311.
Invited Articles
- Oh JH, Kapoor WN. Psychiatric illness and syncope. Cardiology Clinic 15:269-75, 1997. PMID: 9164715.
- Bian S, Kuban D, Levy L, Oh J, Castle K, T. Pugh T, Choi S, McGuire S, Nguyen Q, Frank S. Nguyen P, Lee A, Hoffman K. Effect of adding short-term androgen deprivation therapy to dose-escalated radiation therapy on failure-free survival for select men with intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Poster presentation at 2012 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium/ASCO. J Clin Oncol 30, 2012.
- Peddi P, Oh J, Kim K, Gershenwald J, Palla S, Schacherer C, Jakkoju R, Suarez-Almazor. Impact of comorbidities on overall survival of high-risk and advanced melanoma. Poster discussion at 2012 ASCO Annual Meeting. J Clin Oncol 30, 2012.
- Oh JH, Foxhall L, Basen-Engquist K, Suarez-Almazor ME. Are Primary Care Physicians Ready to Care for Cancer Survivors? Results of a Survey on Lasting Health Effects of Chemotherapy. JGIM Poster presentation at 2012 JGIM Annual Meeting 27, 2012.
- Oh J, Davis J, Hoffman K, Wen S, Kim J. Significance of Age and Comorbidity in Management Decision-Making in Early Prostate Cancer. Moderated Poster Presentation at 32nd Congress of the Societe International d'Urologie. Japan, 2012, 2012.
- Naqvi K, Oh JH, Garcia-Manero G, Pierce S, Suarez-Almazor ME. Comorbidities and prognosis of myelodysplastic syndromes. Poster presentation at 2009 ASCO Annual Meeting. J Clin Oncol 27(15):(suppl; abstr 7086), 2009.
- Naqvi K, Garcia-Manero G, Sardesai S, Oh JH, Pierce S, Lei X, Suarez-Almazor ME. Comorbidities and Myelodysplatic Syndromes. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), 2009.
- Oh J, Mendoza T, Cleeland C, Valdres R, Manzullo E, Escalante C. Fatigue in Testicular Cancer Survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer Poster Presentation at 2008 International MASCC/ISOO Symposium, 2008.
- Oh J, Baum D, Ensor J, Pham S, Muddiman M, Nguyen S. Chen I. Long-term Complications of Platinum-based Chemotherapy in Testicular Cancer Survivors. Clinical Oncology Poster Presentation at 2006 National ASCO Conference:24:4589, 2006.
- Escalante C, Oh J, Baum D, Mante M, Zalpour A, Spivey S, Stewart C, Ensor J, Grover T, Freedman R,. Immediate adverse reactions to chemotherapy: Experience of a large ambulatory treatment center. Journal of Clinical Oncology (Meeting Abstracts) 24:8558:Poster Presentation at 2006 National ASCO Conference, 2006.
- Jotkowitz A, Oh J, Avaricio M, Strachan P, Eichorn A, Wartman S. Where Should we Train our Residents? Results from ACE (Ambulatory Care Exposure) Project”. JGIM (Poster Presentation at 2002 National SGIM Conference) 17:231 (suppl), 2002.
- Oh J, Conner D, Flansbaum B, Rifkin W, Rose D. Decision Analysis: How Strong is the Evidence. JGIM (suppl) 16:161, 2001.
- Oh J, Strachan P, Kim S, Jotkowitz A. Does Ambulatory Care Training Site Influence Patient Exposure? . JGIM 15 (suppl), 2000.
- Oppenheim Y, Oh J, Eichorn A, Jotkowitz A. Screening for Colorectal Cancer: Does Practice Setting Influence Resident Behavior?. JGIM 15 (suppl), 2000.
- Oppenheim Y, Oh J, Eichorn A, Jotkowitz A. Colorectal Cancer Screening: Are We Screening Appropriately? . JGIM (Poster Presentation at 2000 SGIM Meeting) 15 (suppl), 2000.
- Jotkowitz A, Strachan P, Kim S, Oh J. Does Practice Setting Influence Resident Education? . JGIM (Poster Presentation at 2000 SGIM Meeting) 15 (suppl), 2000.
- Constatinescu D, Munneyyiricci J, Oh J. A Mass of Trouble: When Lung Cancer . Presents as Right Ventricular Outflow ObstructionJGIM 15 (suppl) (Poster Presentation at 2000 SGIM Meeting), 2000.
- Jotkowitz A, Oh J, Eichorn A, Wartman. Regional Variation of Diagnoses Seen by Internists in Ambulatory Care Setting. JGIM (Poster Presentation at 2000 SGIM Meeting) 15 (suppl), 2000.
- Oh J, Jotkowitz A, Eichorn A, Wartman S. Trends in Diagnosis Seen by Internists in Ambulatory Care Setting in the Last 20 Years. JGIM (Poster Presentation at 2000 SGIM Meeting) 15 (suppl), 2000.
- Oh J, Segal R, Gordon J, Boal J, Jotkowitz A. Long Term Use of Patient Centered-Interviewing after Intensive Training During Internship. JGIM (Poster Presentation at 1999 SGIM National Meeting, 1999.
- Oh J, Hanusa B, Kapoor W. Orthostatic Hypotension in Patients with Syncope. (Poster Presentation at 1998 SMIG Meeting) 13:26 (suppl), 1998.
- Oh J, Manning B, Granieri R, Hanusa B, Kapoor W. Survey of Medical Housestaff Evidence-based Medicine Skills and Behaviors. JGIM (Poster Presentation at 1998 SGIM Meeting) 13:78, 1998.
- Oh J, Manning B, Granieri R, Hanusa B, Kapoor W. Effectiveness of evidence-based medicine curriculum for medical interns. A preliminary report. JGIM, (Poster at 1998 SGIM Meeting) 13, 1998.
- Oh J, Hanusa B, Kapoor W. Do Symptoms Predict Cardiac Arrhythmias and Mortality in Patients with Syncope?. JGIM (Oral Presentation at 1997 SGIM National Meeting) 12, 1997.
Book Chapters
- Oh, JH. Chemotherapy-Related Emergencies. In: Oncologic Emergencies: USA, 253-271, 2016.
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified May 30, 2024