Puneet Singh, MD, MS, FACS, FSSO, CMQ
Department of Breast Surgical Oncology, Division of Surgery
In the News
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Assistant Professor, Department of Breast Surgical Oncology, Division of Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Fellowship Program Director, Department of Breast Surgical Oncology, Division of Breast Surgical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
2011 | Pritzker School of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, MD, Medicine |
2007 | Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA, AB, Biology |
Postgraduate Training
2018-2019 | Clinical Fellowship, Breast Surgical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX |
2015-2018 | Senior Fellowship, Clinical Medical Ethics, The MacLean Center of Clinical Medical Ethics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
2014-2015 | Fellowship, Clinical Medical Ethics, The MacLean Center of Clinical Medical Ethics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
2013-2015 | Research Fellowship, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
2011-2018 | Residency, General Surgery, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
Board Certifications
2019 | American Board of Medical Quality |
2018 | American Board of Surgery |
Experience & Service
Other Appointments/Responsibilities
Associate Program Director of Breast Surgical Oncology Fellowship, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2020 - 2023
Institutional Committee Activities
Appointed Member, Clinical Ethics Consultation Committee, 2019 - Present
Honors & Awards
2023 | Breast Surgical Faculty Excellence in Clinical Teaching Award |
Professional Memberships
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Singh P, Scoggins ME, Sahin AA, Hwang RF, Kuerer HM, Caudle AS, Mittendorf EA, Thompson AM, Bedrosian I, Teshome M, DeSnyder SM, Meric-Bernstam F, Hunt KK. Effectiveness and Safety of Magseed-localization for Excision of Breast Lesions: A Prospective, Phase IV Trial. Ann Surg Open 1(2), 2020. PMID: 34017965.
- Singh P, Tevis SE, Hall CS, Meas S, Hwang RF, Lucci A. Correlation of Circulating or Disseminated Tumor Cells with the Oncotype DX Recurrence Score. Breast Cancer Res Treat 184(3):683-687, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32888140.
- Sheckter CC, Singh P, Angelos P, Offodile AC. Surprise Billing in Surgical Care Episodes – Overview, Ethical Concerns, and Policy Solutions in Light of COVID-19. Ann Surg. 2020(272 (4)):e264-e265, 2020.
- Singh P, Hoffman K, Schaverien MV, Krause KJ, Butler C, Smith BD, Kuerer HM. Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy to Facilitate Immediate Breast Reconstruction: A Systematic Review and Current Clinical Trials. Ann Surg Oncol(26(10)):3312-20, 2019.
- Kantor O, Pesce C, Singh P, Miller M, Tseng J, Wang C, Winchester DJ, Yao K. Postmastectomy radiation therapy and overall survival after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. J Surg Oncol:10.1002/jso.24551, 2017.
- Volden PA, Skor MN, Johnson MB, Singh P, Patel FN, McClintock MK, Brady MJ, Conzen SD. Mammary Adipose Tissue-Derived Lysophospholipids Promote Estrogen Receptor-Negative Mammary Epithelial Cell Proliferation. Cancer Prev Res(9(5)):367-78, 2016.
- Sur MD, Schindler N, Singh P, Angelos P, Langerman A. Young surgeons on speaking up: when and how surgical trainees voice concerns about supervisors' clinical decisions. Am J Surg(211(2)):437-44, 2016.
- Singh P, Brock CO, Volden PA, Hernandez K, Skor M, Kocherginsky M, Park JE, Brady MJ, Conzen SD. Glucocorticoid receptor ChIP-sequencing of subcutaneous fat reveals modulation of inflammatory pathways. Obesity(23(11)):2286-93, 2015.
- Singh P, Teng E, Cannon LM, Bello BL, Song DH, Umanskiy K. Dynamic Article: Tandem Robotic Technique of Extralevator Abdominoperenial Excision and Rectus Abdominus Muscle Harvest for Immediate Closure of the Pelvic Floor Defect. Dis Colon Rectum(58(9)):885-91, 2015.
- Singh P and Kulkarni SA. Is wide excision alone an appropriate therapy for DCIS?. Curr Surg. Rep:3, 18, 2015.
- Singh P, Bello B, Weber C, Umanskiy K. Rectal Leiomyosarcoma in Association with Ulcerative Colitis: a rare condition with an unusual presentation. Int J. Colorectal Dis(29(7)):887-8, 2014.
- Singh P, Hawkley LC, McDade TW, Cacioppo JT, Masi CM. Autonomic Tone and C-reactive Protein: a prospective population-based study. Clinical Autonomic Research(19(6)):367-74, 2009.
- Khazai I, Sweeney K, Scoggins M, Singh P. Encapsulated Papillary Carcinoma Arising in Ectopic Breast Tissue with Concurrent Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis. Human Pathology: Case Reports.
Invited Articles
- Singh P, Kuerer HM. ASO Author Reflections: Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy Followed by Immediate Breast Reconstruction Represents a Novel Therapeutic Sequence for Breast Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol, 2019.
- Singh P, Kuerer HM. Preoperative Radiotherapy Trials to Facilitate Immediate Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy. Current Breast Cancer Reports.
Book Chapters
- Singh P, Shen Y, Hunt KK. Trial Design: Overview of Study Designs. In: Success in Academic Surgery: Clinical Trials. 2. Springer International Publishing: Switzerland, 37-45, 2020.
- Shakhsheer BA, Singh P, Gottlieb LJ, Angelos P, Siegler M. The Scar Book: Formation, Mitigation, Rehabilitation, and Prevention. In: Scars and scar management: Ethical considerations. Wolters Kluwer, 49-58, 2017.
- Singh P, Siegler M, Angelos P. Ethical Issues in Surgical Care. In: How to Teach Surgical Ethics. American College of Surgeons: Chicago, 296-311, 2017.
- Singh P and Kulkarni SA. Surgical Strategies for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction. In: Textbook of Complex General Surgical Oncology. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc: China, 743-750, 2017.
- Singh P, Shakhsheer BA, Milner R. Honesty in the perioperative setting: Error and communication. In: Ethical Issues in Anesthesiology and Surgery. Springer International Publishing: Switzerland, 139-149, 2015.
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified July 02, 2024