Xiao Zhao, M.D., Ph.D., FRCSC
Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Division of Surgery
About Dr. Xiao Zhao
Dr. Xiao Zhao received his medical degree (MD) from the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario. He then completed his residency in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery and concurrently completed his PhD at the University of Toronto. Dr. Zhao subsequently completed a clinical fellowship in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center and a research fellowship in the laboratory of Dr. Guillermina Lozano at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Zhao has a clinical interest in oral cancer and oral premalignancy. Dr. Zhao also leads a basic science and translation research program centered on the evolution of head and neck cancers with a specific focus on oral premalignant lesions, oral cancer, and anaplastic thyroid cancer.
Present Title & Affiliation
Primary Appointment
Assistant Professor, Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Division of Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Research Interests
Tumor Evolution, Tumor Metabolism, Oral Premalignancy, Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer
Education & Training
Degree-Granting Education
2019 | University of Toronto, Toronto, CAN, PHD, Doctor of Philosophy |
2010 | Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, CAN, MD, Doctor of Medicine |
2006 | University of Toronto, Toronto, CAN, BS, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology |
Postgraduate Training
2020-2022 | Clinical Fellowship, Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Research Fellowship, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX |
2019-2020 | Clinical Fellowship, Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX |
2013-2019 | Clinician Investigator Program, Clinician Investigator Program, University of Toronto, Toronto |
2010-2019 | Clinical Residency, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada (FRCSC), University of Toronto, Toronto |
Board Certifications
2019 | The State of Texas Medical Board - Otolaryngology |
Honors & Awards
2017 | Laidlaw Manuscript Competition |
2017 | AACR Head and Neck Translational Research Award |
2016 | Canadian Institute of Health Research Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship |
2015 | Raymond Ng Graduate Award |
2015 | Chapnik, Freeman, and Friedberg Clinician Scientist Award |
2015 | Richard Hill Graduate Research Award |
2015 | Department of Otolaryngology Annual Research Day: Percy Ireland Best Overall Paper |
2015 | Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America Poster Award |
2015 | Excellence in Radiation Research 21 Poster Award |
2015 | The Ara Mooradian Scholarship |
2014 | Canadian Institute of Health Research – Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship |
2014 | Gifford Scholarship |
2013 | The Terry Fox Foundation Strategic Training Initiative for Excellence in Radiation Research for the 21st Century Scholarship |
2013 | Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Poliquin Resident Research Competition |
2013 | University of Toronto Shiley E.O. Pelausa Best Otolaryngology Resident Award |
2012 | Chapnik, Freeman, and Friedberg Clinician Scientist Award |
2006 | Samuel Lunenfeld Summer Research Poster Award |
2005 | Toronto Biotechnology Initiative Award |
2005 | Institute of Medical Sciences Summer Student Award |
2005 | University of Toronto Chemistry Excellence letter |
2004 | University of Toronto Dean’s List |
2004 | University of Toronto (U of T) Scholarship |
2004 | University of Toronto Dr. James Scholarship in Science and Mathematics |
2004 | University of Toronto Biology Outstanding Achievement Award |
2004 | University of Toronto Chemistry Excellence letter |
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Guo T, Kiong KL, Yao CMKL, Windon M, Zebda D, Jozaghi Y, Zhao X, Hessel AC, Hanna EY. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Otolaryngology trainee education. Head Neck 42(10):2782-2790, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32666664.
- Vinh DB, Zhao X, Kiong KL, Guo T, Jozaghi Y, Yao C, Kelley JM, Hanna EY. Overview of COVID-19 testing and implications for otolaryngologists. Head Neck 42(7):1629-1633, 2020. e-Pub 2020. PMID: 32342570.
- MD Anderson Head and Neck Surgery Treatment Guidelines Consortium, Consortium members, Maniakas A, Jozaghi Y, Zafereo ME, Sturgis EM, Su SY, Gillenwater AM, Gidley PW, Lewis CM, Diaz E, Goepfert RP, Kupferman ME, Gross ND, Hessel AC, Pytynia KB, Nader ME, Wang JR, Lango MN, Kiong KL, Guo T, Zhao X, Yao CMKL, Appelbaum E, Alpard J, Garcia JA, Terry S, Flynn JE, Bauer S, Fournier D, Burgess CG, Wideman C, Johnston M, You C, De Luna R, Joseph L, Diersing J, Prescott K, Heiberger K, Mugartegui L, Rodriguez J, Zendehdel S, Sellers J, Friddell RA, Thomas A, Khanjae SJ, Schwarzlose KB, Chambers MS, Hofstede TM, Cardoso RC, Wesson RA, Won A, Otun AO, Gombos DS, Al-Zubidi N, Hutcheson KA, Gunn GB, Rosenthal DI, Gillison ML, Ferrarotto R, Weber RS, Hanna EY, Myers JN, Lai SY. Head and neck surgical oncology in the time of a pandemic: Subsite-specific triage guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Head Neck 42(6):1194-1201, 2020. PMID: 32342541.
- Zhao X, Kwan JYY, Yip K, Liu PP, Liu FF. Targeting metabolic dysregulation for fibrosis therapy. Nat Rev Drug Discov 19(1):57-75, 2020. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 31548636.
- Zhao X, Psarianos P, Ghoraie LS, Yip K, Goldstein D, Gilbert R, Witterick I, Pang H, Hussain A, Lee JH, Williams J, Bratman S, Ailles L, Haibe-Kains B, Liu FF. Metabolic regulation of dermal fibroblasts contributes to skin extracellular matrix homeostasis and fibrosis. Nature Metabolism 1(1):147-157, 2019. e-Pub 2019. PMID: 32694814.
- Inoue M, Nakashima R, Enomoto M, Koike Y, Zhao X, Yip K, Huang SH, Waldron JN, Ikura M, Liu FF, Bratman SV. Plasma redox imbalance caused by albumin oxidation promotes lung-predominant NETosis and pulmonary cancer metastasis. Nat Commun 9(1):5116, 2018. e-Pub 2018. PMID: 30504805.
- Demidov V, Zhao X, Demidova O, Pang HYM, Flueraru C, Liu FF, Vitkin IA. Preclinical quantitative in-vivo assessment of skin tissue vascularity in radiation-induced fibrosis with optical coherence tomography. J Biomed Opt 23(10):1-9, 2018. PMID: 30315644.
- Zhao X, Yao GS, Liu Y, Wang J, Satkunendrarajah K, Fehlings M. The role of neural precursor cells and self assembling peptides in nerve regeneration. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 42:60, 2013. e-Pub 2013. PMID: 24351041.
- Zhao X, Grewal A, Briel M, Lee JM. A systematic review of nonabsorbable, absorbable, and steroid-impregnated spacers following endoscopic sinus surgery. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol 3(11):896-904, 2013. e-Pub 2013. PMID: 23894058.
- Zhao X, Roth K, Fung K. Type I thyroplasty: risk stratification approach to inpatient versus outpatient postoperative management. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 39(6):757-61, 2010. PMID: 21144375.
- Zhao X, Chandarana S, Husein M, Rogers J, MacRae DL. Surgical distance to the sphenoid ostium: a comparison of healthy patients and patients with cystic fibrosis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 136(5):475-9, 2010. PMID: 20479379.
- Zhao X, Chandarana S, Husein M, Kwan K. Atypical presentation of congenital epulis: case report and review of the literature. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 38(2):E65-8, 2009. PMID: 19442358.
- Zhao X, Higgins KM, Enepekides D, Farwell G. Medicinal leech therapy for venous congested flaps: case series and review of the literature. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 38(2):E61-4, 2009. PMID: 19442357.
- Wang K, Zhao X, Chan S, Cil O, He N, Song X, Paterson AD, Pei Y. Evidence for pathogenicity of atypical splice mutations in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 4(2):442-9, 2009. e-Pub 2009. PMID: 19158373.
- Lau LM, Nugent JK, Zhao X, Irwin MS. HDM2 antagonist Nutlin-3 disrupts p73-HDM2 binding and enhances p73 function. Oncogene 27(7):997-1003, 2008. e-Pub 2007. PMID: 17700533.
- Zhao X, Paterson AD, Zahirieh A, He N, Wang K, Pei Y. Molecular diagnostics in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: utility and limitations. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 3(1):146-52, 2008. e-Pub 2007. PMID: 18077784.
- Pei Y, Zhao X. Diagnostic approach in AD PKD. Expert opinion in medical diagnostics 2:763-772, 2008.
- Wang J, Montierth M, Xu L, Goswami M, Zhao X, Cote G, Wang W, Iyer P, Dadu R, Busaidy N, Lai S, Gross N, Ferrarotto R, Lu C, Gunn B, Williams M, Routbort M, Zafereo M, Cabanillas M.. Impact of Somatic Mutations on Survival Outcomes in Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma Patients. Clinical Cancer Research.
- Psarianos P, Zhao X, De Carvalho D, Yip K, Liu FF. Psarianos P, Zhao X, De Carvalho D, Yip K, Liu FF. Poster Presentation ASTRO, 2019.
- Psarianos P, Zhao X, De Carvalho D, Yip K, Liu FF. FOXO1 inhibition: A novel therapeutic strategy for the reversal of radiation fibrosis. Poster Presentation. Manchester UK, 2019.
- Zhao X, Ghoraie LS, Psarianos P, Yip K, Habie-Kains, B, Liu FF. Pharmacogenomics identification of drugs to reverse radiation fibrosis. Poster Presentation at AACR AHNS. San Diego, 2017.
- Zhao X, Lee JH, Ailles L, Yip K, Liu FF. Metabolic regulation of Extracellular Matrix. Poster Presentation at American Society for Radiation Oncology. San Francisco, 2015.
- Zhao X, Lee JH, Ailles L, Yip K, Liu FF. Adipose derived-stromal cells for reversal of radiation fibrosis. Poster Presentation at American Association for Cancer Research. Philadelphia, 2015.
- Zhao X, Lee JH, Ailles L, Yip K, Liu FF. Adipose derived-stromal cells for reversal of radiation fibrosis. Podium Presentation at American Head and Neck Society Translational meeting. Boston, 2015.
- Zhao X, Lee JH, Ailles L, Yip K, Liu FF. Adipose derived-stromal cells for reversal of radiation fibrosis. Poster Presentation at Clinician Investigator Program Scientific Day. Toronto, 2014.
- Zhao X, LiuG, Liu Y, Satkunendrarajah K, Wang J, Fehlings MG. The role of neuronal precursor cells and self assembling peptides in spinal cord repair. Poster presentation at TERMIS (Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine international society. Seattle, 2013.
- Zhao X, LiuG, Liu Y, Satkunendrarajah K, Wang J, Fehlings MG. The role of neuronal precursor cells and self assembling peptides in nerve regeneration. Podium presentation for poliquin presentation, Canadian Otolaryngology Society, Banff, 2013.
- Zhao X, Grewal A, Briel M, Lee J. A systematic review of non-absorbale, absorbable and medicated spacers following endoscopic sinus surgery. Podium presentation at the American Rhinology Society COSM in Florida,, 2013.
- Zhao X, Chandarana S, Tuddy R, Husein M, MacRae D. Surgical distance to sphenoid sinus in pediatric patients. Podium presentation at the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Conference in Seattle, 2009.
- Zhao X, Chandarana S, Husein M.. Congenital epulis: An atypical presentation. Poster presentation at the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Conference, 2008.
Grant & Contract Support
Date: | 2023 - 2024 |
Title: | Co-evolution of Tumor and Immune Evolution in Oral Premalignancy |
Funding Source: | UTMDACC - Precancer Atlas Head & Neck Initiative |
Role: | Principal Investigator |
Date: | 2022 - 2027 |
Title: | Elucidating the Evolution of Oral Premalignancy to Oral Cancer |
Funding Source: | UTMDACC – Start Up Funds |
Role: | Principal Investigator |
Date: | 2022 - 2023 |
Title: | Elucidating Mechanisms of Metastasis in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer |
Funding Source: | UTMDACC - Petrick Thyroid Research Fund |
Role: | Principal Investigator |
Date: | 2022 - 2025 |
Title: | Elucidating the role of mutant p53-driven fatty acid oxidation suppression in oral carcinogenesis |
Funding Source: | Physician Scientist Program/ MD Anderson |
Role: | Principal Investigator |
Date: | 2020 - Present |
Title: | Metabolic alterations in anaplastic thyroid cancer provide functional variation for tumor progression and vulnerabilities for treatment |
Funding Source: | Petrick Thyroid Research Fund |
Role: | Co-Investigator |
Date: | 2019 - Present |
Title: | Developing anti-fibrosis treatment to improve cancer survivorship |
Funding Source: | Canada Cancer Society Research Institute |
Role: | Collaborator |
Patient Reviews
CV information above last modified October 15, 2024